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       [43]     #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-
                            Shemos—Shemos 4:25
                                                 äë:ã úåîùZúåîù
                                                                                                              Shemos—Shemos 4:7–9
                      25. Tzipporah took a flint-stone þÒ †®í•ÖþÒtÌ®ì·ÔwÌzÔî .í×                  and when he withdrew it from his bosom, B flš−ÑìÞÑô ·dÖêÌ®BÞiÔî
                        and cut off her son’s foreskin, dflÖòÐa³¤ÔñÐþÖ¼-³Óê ·³ÒþÐ×ÌzÔî                  it had become [normal] as his flesh. :B ÞþÖNÐëÌkíÖë£ÖL-íÑpÌíÐî
                             and threw it at his feet, î−¢ÖñÐèÔþÐñ¼£ÔbÔzÔî                                 8. “If they do not believe you, C flÖñ eò−¤ÌôÎêÞÔ− êG-óÌê ·íÖ−ÖíÐî.ì
           saying, “You are a bridegroom of blood to me.” :−ÞÌñí£ÖzÔêó−§ÌôÖc-öÔ³Îì−«ÌkþÓôêÒ–zÔî  and they do not listen to the voice [of proof] ñÒ£šÐñe fl¼ÐôÐLÌ−ê¤GÐî
                                                                                                  then they will believe the voice [of proof] ñÒ£šÐñ eò− flÌôÍêÞÓíÐî
                            And wanted to kill him.  .B ÞúéÄîÂäLÅwÇáÀéÇå
                   I.e., the angel 64  [wanted to kill] Moshe  ,íÓLôÐñCÖêÐñÔnÔí                               of the latter [second] sign. :öB ÞþÎìÞÔêÖí³Ò'êÖí
               because he did not circumcise his son, Eliezer,  ,BòÐaþÓïÓ¼−ÌñÍê³ÓêñÖôêHÓL−ÌõÐñ             9. And if they will not believe eò−”ÌôÎêÞÔ−ê¤G-óÌêí”Ö−ÖíÐî.¬
                         and because he was negligent 65  ñÑMÔþгÌpÓLñÔ¼Ðî
                                                                                                                  even these two signs, íÓl †ÑêÖí³B•³ÒêÞÖí−·ÑòÐLÌñ »óÔb
                    he deserved the punishment of death.  .íÖ³−ÌôLÓòB¼ LÔòͼÓò
                                                                                                     and they will not listen to your voice, E flÓñÒšÐñ ·öe¼ÐôÐLÌ−ê¥GÐî
                         The Beraisa taught: [however,]  êÖ−ÐòÔz
                                                                                              then you shall take from the water of the river þÒ flêÐ−Ôí−¤Ñô−ÑnÌô ·ÖzÐìÔšÞÖñÐî
                                    Rabbi Yosi said:  :−ѽB− −ÌaÔþþÔôÖê
               God forbid! [Actually,] he was not negligent,  ñÑMÔþгÌò êG ,óBñÖLÐî½Ôì
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                                   but, he thought:  ,þÔôÖêêÖlÓê
               “If I circumcise him and set out on a journey,  ,CÓþÓcÔñêÑ®ÑêÐî ñeôÖê       [7] And when he withdrew from his bosom, etc.  .BøÞÈNÀáÄkäÈáÈL-äÅpÄäÀå B÷éÅçÞÅîdÈàÄöBiÞÇå [æ]
              the child’s life will be in danger for three days.  ;ó−ÌôÖ−³ÓLñÐLðÔ¼ šBò−ÌzÔñê−ÌííÖòÖkÔ½           We can derive from this  öêÖkÌô
        [However,] I might circumcise him and wait three days,  ,ó−ÌôÖ−’èíÓíÐLÓêÐî ñeôÖê       that [when God reveals] His attribute of goodness  íÖëB¬ íÖcÌnÓL
                        [but,] God has commanded me,  −ÌòÔeÌ®í"ÖaÖwÔí                                           it is much faster in coming  êÒëÖñ³ÓþÓíÔôÐô
                              “Go! Return to Egypt.” 66  !óÌ −ÖþЮÌô ëeL CÑñ                 than [when He reveals] His attribute for punishment,  ,³eòÖ¼Ðþet ³ÔcÌnÌô
                          Then, why was he punished?  ?LÔòͼÓòíÖô−ÑòÐtÌôe                 for in the first instance [when he was struck with tzora’as]  íÖòBLêÌþÖë−ÑþÎíÓL
                  Because his first concern was his lodging.  .íÖlÌìÐz öBñÖnÔašÑqԼгÌpÓL−ÌõÐñ         it does not state: “from his bosom.” 15 16  :Bš−ÑìÑôþÔôÍêÓòêG
                              Maseches Nedarim: 67 68  :ó−ÌþÖðÐò³Ó×ÓqÔôÐa                                    [8] Then they will believe  eðéÄîÁàÞÆäÀå [ç]
                    The angel turned into a kind of snake  LÖìÖòö−ÌôÐkíÓNμÔòCÖêÐñÔnÔííÖ−ÖíÐî       the voice [of proof] of the latter sign. 17  .ïB ÞøÂçÞÇàÈäúÉàÈäìÉ÷Àì
                           and swallowed him (Moshe)  B¼ÐñBëe                                                      “Once you tell them,  óÓíÖñþÔôêÒzÓLÌô
               from his head to his thigh [and spit him out]  î−Ö×−ÑþÐ−ðÔ¼Ðî BLêÒþÑô                ‘because of you I was struck [with tzora’as]  ,−̳−ÌšÖñóÓ×Ðñ−ÌëÐLÌa
                         and then again swallowed him  B¼ÐñBëe þÑïBìÐî                                for relating slanderous things about you,  ,¼ÖþÖí öBLÐñóÓ×−Ññμ−ÌzÐþÔtÌqÓLñÔ¼
                 from his feet to that place (the membrum).  ,óBšÖô B³Bê ðÔ¼Ðî î−ÖñÐèÔþÑô                          they will believe you,  ,CÖñ eò−ÌôÎêÔ−
                                Zipporah understood  íÖþBtÌ®íÖò−ÌëÑí                        because they have already become experienced in this,  CÖ×ÐaeðÐôÖñþÖëÐkÓL
        that this was on account of [delaying] the circumcision.  :êeí íÖñ−ÌnÔíñ−ÌëÐLÌaÓL              that those who conspire to harm them  óÓíÖñ¼ÔþÖíÐñö−ÌèÐeÔcÐïÌnÔíÓL
                      [25] And threw it at his feet. 69  .åéÈìÀâÇøÀìòÇbÇzÇå [äë]                                  are struck with tzora’as,  ,ó−̼ÖèÐòÌaó−ÌšBñ
                        I.e., She threw it at Moshe’s feet 70  :íÓLô ñÓL î−ÖñÐèÔþ−ÑòÐõÌñezÔ×−ÌñÐLÌí         such as Pharaoh and Avimelech  CÓñÓô−ÌëÎêÔîíÒ¼ÐþÔt öBèÐk
                           saying, regarding her son—  :dÖòÐañÔ¼ .øÆîàÉzÇå                   [who were struck with tzora’as] on account of Sarah.  :íÖþÖNñ−ÌëÐLÌa
                “You are a bridegroom of blood to me.”  .éÄìäÈzÇàíéÄîÈc-ïÇúÂçéÄk             [9] You shall take from the water of the river.  .øÉàÀéÇäéÅîéÅnÄîÈzÀçÇ÷ÞÈ ìÀå [è]
                                                                                                   He alluded to them that with the first plague  íÖòBLêÌþíÖkÔôÐaÓLóÓíÖñïÔôÖþ
       64 See Onkelos on ’í eíÑLÐbÐõÌiÔî.  65 I.e., in his obligation of obeying God’s command. Other opinions are that he
                                                                                                      He will exact retribution from their deity  ,óÖ³eíÖñÍêÑô¼ÔþÐõÌò
       wanted to kill the child. See Nedarim 32b.  66 Therefore, Moshe was not remiss in not circumcising Eliezer.
       67 Since Moshe was now only a short distance from Egypt, his son would not have been put into danger, even
       had Moshe circumcised him and continued his journey.  68 Nedarim 31b, Sh. Rab. 5, 8.  69 There are various  15 Thereby indicating that the tzora’as struck Moshe only after he removed his hand. However, when he was healed
       opinions in the Talmud as to whose feet this refers—the child’s, the angel’s, or Moshe’s.  70 Yerushalmi Nedarim  it states Bš−ÑìÑô—that the healing took place while the hand was still in his bosom. See Shabbos 97a, and Rashi ibid.
       3, 9.                                                                              16 Sh. Rab. 3, 13.  17 Why are they more likely to believe the second sign? (S.C.)
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