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#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Black
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Black
[35] Shemos—Shemos 4:9–10 éYè:ã úåîùZúåîù 2 SHMOT Shemos—Shemos 4:23–24 ãëYâë:ã úåîùZúåîù [42]
and pour it on the dry land. í¢ÖLÖaÔiÔí £ÖzÐ×ÔõÞÖLÐî 23. And I have said to you, E− †ÓñÑêþ¤ÔôÒêÞÖî .è×
The water that you will take from the river þÒ flêÐ−Ôí-öÌôì¤ÔwÌzþ¤ÓLÎê ·óÌ−·ÔnÔíe¥−ÖíÐî send out My son and let him serve Me. −Ìò flÑðÐëÔ¼¤Ô−Ðî ·−ÌòÐa-³Óêì¥ÔlÔL
will turn into blood on the dry land.” :³ÓLÞÖaÔiÔaó£ÖðÐñe'−ÖíÐî If you refuse to send him, B¢ìÐlÔLÐñö£ÑêÖôÐzÔî
10. Moshe said to Adonoy, ‡íÒÖîíÐ−-ñÓêí¤ÓLô þÓôêÒ·iÔî.− behold, I will slay your [own] firstborn son.” :EÞÓþÒ×Ða £EÐòÌa-³Óêè flÑþÒí−¤Ì×ÒòÞÖê ·íÑpÌí
“I beg You Adonoy, ›−ÖòÒðÎê−¤Ìa 24. He [Moshe] was along the way, in the inn, öB¢ñÖnÔaCÓþÓ£cÔë−'ÌíÐ−Ôî .ð×
I am not a man of words— −Ì×Õ†òÖêó−•ÌþÖëÐcL−·Ìê »êG Adonoy confronted him, íflÖîÒíÐ−eí¤ÑLÐbÐõÌiÔî
not since yesterday, not since the day before— óÒ flLÐñÌ MÌôóÔb·ñBôÐzÌôó¥Ôb and wanted to kill him. :B Þ³−ÌôÎíL £ÑwÔëÐ−Ôî
not from the time You [first] spoke to Your servant, E¢ÓcÐëÔ¼-ñÓê £EÐþÓaÔcï'ÖêÑôó§Ôb
But, the midrashic explanation is: :BLÖþÐðÌôe
(Explanation: When God exacts retribution ¼ÖþÐõÌòí"ÖaÖšÔíÓLÐk :Leþ−Ñt Here, God put His seal í"ÖaÖwÔíóÔ³ÖìöêÖk
from the nations ó−ÌëÖ×B× −ÑðÐëB¼Ñô on the sale of the birthright íÖþB×ÐaÔí³Ôþ−Ì×ÐôñÔ¼
He first exacts retribution from their deity, ,íÖlÌìÐzóÖ³eíÖñÍêÑô¼ÖþÐõÌò which Yaakov had bought from Eisov. 61 :îÖNѼÑôëҚμÔ−ìÔšÖlÓL
for they had worshipped the Nile ½Bñ−ÌòÐñó−ÌðÐëB¼ e−ÖíÓL [23] “And I have said to you— .EéÆìÅàøÇîÉàÞÈå [âë]
which gave them sustenance ,óÖ³Bê íÓiÔìÐôÔí as a messenger of God, óBšÖôñÓL B³eì−ÌñÐLÌa
and He turned them (its waters) to blood. .óÖðÐñóÖ×ÖõÎíÔî ‘Send My son out, etc.’” :éÄðÀa-úÆàçÇlÇL
[This explanation is found] in an old Rashi manuscript. :öÖLÖ−−"ÌMÔþÐa
Behold, I will slay, etc. .'åâå âÅøÉäéÄëÉðÞÈàäÅpÄä
The water [you will take]. .'åâå íÄéÇnÇäeéÈäÀå This will be the last plague ,íÖòBþÎìÔêíÖkÔôê−Ìí
The word e−ÖíÐî [appears] twice [in this verse]: .ó−ÌôÖ¼Ðõ−ÑzÐLe−ÖíÐîe−ÖíÐî [Yet, God] warns him with this first íÖlÌìгeíÖþгÌídÖëe
It seems to me that had it said: þÔôÍêÓò el−Ìê,−Ôò−ѼÐëíÓêÐþÌò —because it is the most severe. ;íÖLÖšê−ÌíÓL−ÑòÐtÌô
"³ÓLÖaÔiÔaóÖðÐñ þBêÐ−ÔíöÌôìÔwÌzþÓLÎêóÌiÔnÔíe−ÖíÐî", 18 ,³ÓLÖaÔiÔaóÖðÐñþÒêÐ−ÔíöÌôìÔwÌzþÓLÎêóÌ−ÔnÔíe−ÖíÐî This 62 is what is meant regarding Iyov: þÔôÖêÓL êeí íÓïÐî
I would conclude that while still in his hand BðÖ −ÐaÓL−ÌòÎêÔ¼ÑôBL “For God is powerful in His might,” "BìÒ×Ðaë−ÌbÐNÔ−ñÑêöÓí,,
[the waters] will turn into blood ,óÖðÐñó−Ì×ÖtÐíÓòóÑí therefore, “Who is a teacher like Him,” 63 ."íÓþBô eíÒôÖ×−Ìô,, :CÖ×−ÌõÐñ
and also upon reaching the ground ±ÓþÖêÖñeðÐþÑiÓLÐk¹ÔêÐî [the explanation being:] A human being, óÖðÖîþÖNÖa
they would remain as they are ,öÖ³−Ö−ÖîÎíÔëe−ÐíÌ− who seeks to take revenge from his fellow-man, ,BþÑëÎìÑôóÑšÖpÌíÐñLÑwÔëÐôÔí
but, now, [by repeating e−ÖíÐî, i.e., ³ÓLÖaÔiÔaóÖðÐñe−ÖíÐî] 19 î−ÖLÐ×Ô¼ñÖëÎê is secretive about it î−ÖþÖëÐc³Óê ó−ÌñμÔô
it teaches us that they will not turn into blood óÖðe−ÐíÌ−êHÓLeòÑðÐnÔñÐô so that the other will not seek to escape. ,íÖñÖvÔíLÑwÔëÐ−êHÓL
until they reach the dry land. 20 :³ÓLÖaÔiÔëe−ÐíÌiÓLðÔ¼ But, God “is powerful in His might” ,BìÒ×Ðaë−ÌbÐNÔ−í"ÖaÖwÔíñÖëÎê
[10] [Not] since yesterday, etc. 21 .'åâå ìBîÀzÄîíÇb [é] and there is no possible escape from His Hand, BðÖiÌô¬ÑñÖnÌíÐñ³ÓñB×Ð−ö−ÑêÐî
This teaches us that for an entire seven days ó−ÌôÖ−’ïñÖkÓL ,eòÖðÐôÌñ unless he returns to Him (repents). ,î−ÖñÑê BëeLÐaóÌê−Ìk
God had been trying to persuade Moshe, íÓLô ³ÓêíÓzÔõÐôí"ÖaÖwÔííÖ−Öí Therefore He teaches him eíÑþBô êeí CÖ×−ÌõÐñ
at the thorn-bush, to go on his mission: ,B³eì−ÌñÐLÌaCÑñ−ÑñíÓòÐqÔa and warns him to repent. :ëeLÖñBëíÓþгÔôe
"EÐþÓaÔcïÖêÑô,óÒLÐñÌL ,ñBôÐzÌô,, represent three [days]: ,’è −ÑþÎí Z "EÐþÓaÔcïÖêÑn,, ,"óBLÐñÌL,, "ñBôÐzÌn,, [24] When he was along the way, in the inn. ,ïBìÈnÇaCÆøÆãÇáéÄäÀéÇå [ãë]
the three words “óÔb” are extensions, making it six; ,íÖMÌM−ÑþÎíZóÑíö−Ì−eaÌþö−ÌnÔèíÖLñÐLe Moshe. .íÓLô
18 I.e., the word e−ÖíÐî, thereby, being used only once. 19 ³ÓLÖaÔiÔaóÖðÐñe−ÖíÐî—“They will turn into blood on the dry land.”
20 The significance of this is: Moshe, owing a debt of gratitude to the river, which had saved him as an infant, could 61 Sh. Rab. 5, 7. Thus, Egypt’s íÖþB×Ða corresponds to Yisrael’s. Also: since before Aharon’s ascending to the priesthood,
not be the one to cause the water to turn to blood (see below 7, 19 Rashi þôê í"ð). Therefore, the water turned into the sacrifice services were performed by the first-born, it is said: −ÌòÑðÐëÔ¼Ô−Ðî−ÌòÐa³ÓêìÔlÔL—“Send out My son (the first-born
blood only after having left his hands. (Ohr Hachayim) 21 Why the enumeration of all these days?! Yisrael) and let him serve me.” (Chizkuni) 62 I.e., the fact that God warns the evildoer. 63 Iyov 36, 22.