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       [61]               Shemos—Va’eira 6:11–12 áéYàé:å àøàåZúåîù                                            Shemos—Va’eira 8:8–12  áéYç:ç àøàåZúåîù          [80]

           that he send the B’nei Yisrael out of his land.” :B Þ®ÐþÔêÞÑôñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−-−ÞÑòÐa-³Óêì'ÔlÔL−ÞÌî   and Moshe cried out to Adonoy íflÖîÒíÐ−-ñÓê ·íÓLô š¥Ô¼Ð®ÌiÔî
                12. Moshe spoke before Adonoy, saying, þÒ¢ôêÑñíÒ£ÖîíÐ−−'ÑòÐõÌñí flÓLô þ¤ÑaÔðÐ−Ôî .ë−  concerning the frogs that He had set upon Pharaoh. :íÒ Þ¼ÐþÔõÐñó'ÖN-þÓLÎêó−£Ì¼ÐcÐþÔõЮÞÔíþ'ÔëÐc-ñÔ¼
        “Behold the B’nei Yisrael have not listened to me, − flÔñÑêe¤¼ÐôÞÖL-êG·ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−-−ÞÑòÐaö¥Ñí          9. Adonoy did as Moshe said, í¢ÓLô þ¤ÔëÐðÌkíÒ£ÖîíÐ−NÔ¼'ÔiÔî.¬
                                                                                                       the frogs died, [those that were in] ó− fl̼ÐcÐþÔõЮÞÔí ·e³·ŠôÖiÔî
                                                                                                10. They gathered them into [many] heaps, ó¢ÌþÖôÏìó¤ÌþÖôÏìó£Ö³Òêe'þÐaЮÌiÔî.−
                       “He bought the part of the field” 32  íÓðÖOÔí³ÔšÐñÓì³ÓêöÓšÌiÔî                         and the land was polluted. :±ÓþÞÖêÖíL£ÔêÐëÌzÔî
                             in order to pitch his tent,  ,BñÏíÖê ³B¬ÐòÌñ
                                                                                             11. [When] Pharaoh saw that there was respite, í flÖìÖîÐþÞÖí ·íÖ³Ð−ÞÖí−¥ÌkíÒ †¼ÐþÔtêÐþ¤ÔiÔî .ê−
                   yet they did not question My attributes,  ,−Ô³BcÌôþÔìÔêeþÎíÐþÌíêGÐî
                                                                                            he hardened his heart and did not listen to them, ó¢ÓíÑñÎê¼£ÔôÖLê'GÐîB flaÌñ-³Óê ·ðÑaÐ×ÔíÐî
                 but, you said, “Why did You bring harm?”  !íÖ³Ò¼ÑþÎííÖôÖñÖzÐþÔôÖêíÖzÔêÐî
                     However, this Midrash does not flow  ëÑLÔ−гÌôLÖþÐðÌnÔíö−ÑêÐî                           just as Adonoy had spoken. ô :íÒÞÖîíÐ−þ'ÓaÌcþ£ÓLÎêÞÔk
                         with the text for many reasons.  ,ó−ÌþÖëÐðíÖnÔ×−ÑòÐtÌôêÖþКÌnÔíþÔìÔê                12. Adonoy said to Moshe, ›íÓLô-ñÓê ‡íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¤iÔî .ë−
                         First, because it does not state:  þÔôÍêÓòêHÓL,³ÔìÔê                            “Say to Aharon, Extend your rod EÐhÔô-³Óêí¤Ñ¬ÐòöÕ flþÎíÞÔê-ñÓê ·þÒôÍê
           “And they did not ask about My Name, Adonoy.” 33  ,−ÌñeñÎêÖLêG’í−ÌôÐLe
        [that the intent of the verse is] He did not make known  óÖ¼−ÌðBí êG
                                                                                                    [8] They left—[and Moshe] cried out.  .÷ÇòÀöÄiÇå,àÅöÅiÇå [ç]
                  that that is His name, 34  [I would answer:]  ,BôÐLCÖkÓL
                                                                                                               [He cried out] immediately  ,ðÖiÌô
          But in the beginning when He appeared to Avraham  óÖíÖþÐëÔêÐñíÖñÐèÌpÓLÐkíÖ lÌìг−ÑþÎí
                                                                                                       that they be destroyed by tomorrow. 10  :þÖìÖôÐñe³ÐþÖkÌiÓL
                   [at the Covenant] ‘Between the Pieces’  ó−ÌþÖ³ÐaÔíö−Ña
                                                                                                                    [10] Many heaps.  .íéÄøÈîÃçíéÄøÈîÃç [é]
                              it is said: “I am Adonoy  ’í −ÌòÎêþÔôÍêÓò
                                                                                                      [ó−ÌþÖôÏìó−ÌþÖôÏì means] heaps [or mounds],  ,ó−ÌþeaÌ®ó−ÌþeaÌ®
                   Who brought you out of Ur Kasdim.” 35  ó−ÌcÐNÔk þeêÑôE−̳êÑ®Bí þÓLÎê
                                                                                                              as Onkelos translates it ö−ÌþBèÐð  Zö−ÌþBèÐc BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
         And, furthermore, how is there continuity of context  ³Ó×ÓLÐôÌòíÖ×−ÌôÐqÔíCÔê−Ñí ðB¼Ðî
                                                                                                                    which means heaps.  :ö−ÌlÔb
                    with the statements which [the Torah]  êeíÓLó−ÌþÖëÐcÔa
                         places immediately afterwards,  ,öêÖ×ÐñCÑôB½                                       [11] He hardened his heart.  .BaÄì-úÆàãÅaÀëÇäÀå [àé]
                     [viz.,] “I have also heard, etc.” (v. 5)  ’BèÐî−ÌzмÔôÖL−ÌòÎêóÔèÐî              [The word ðÑaÐ×Ôí] is in the infinitive form 11  ,êeí ñB¼Öt öBLÐñ
            [and:] “Therefore say to the B’nei Yisrael” (v. 6). 36  ?ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐëÌñþÒôÍêöÑ×Öñ   the same as Ô¼B½ÖòÐî CBñÖí “going and travelling,” 12  Ô ¼B½ÖòÐî CBñÖíBôÐk
                                                                                                  and similarly “³BkÔíÐî (striking) the Moabites,” 13  ëÖêBô ³Óê ³BkÔíÐîöÑ×Ðî
            Therefore, I say, let the verse be explained simply,  ,B¬eLÐtñÔ¼êÖþКÌnÔíëÑMÔ−гÌ−þÑôBê −ÌòÎêCÖ×Ðñ
                                                                                                      [or:] “ñBêÖLÐî (and asking) God for him” 14  ó−ÌíGêÑa Bñ ñBêÖLÐî
                       each statement fitting its context,  ,î−ÖòÐõÖêñÔ¼ þeëÖcþÖëÖc
                                                                                                      [or:] “Ô¼Ò®Öõe íÑkÔí striking and wounding.” 15  .Ô¼Ò®Öõe íÑkÔí
          and let the exposition [by the Sages] be expounded,  ,LÑþÖc̳íÖLÖþÐcÔ íÐî
                      as it is said: “Is not My Word as fire,  LÑêÖk−ÌþÖëÐðíÒk êBñÎíþÔôÍêÓpÓL               Just as Adonoy had spoken.  .'ä øÆaÄcøÆLÂàÞÇk
           says God, and like a hammer that shatters stone,” 37  ¼ÔñÖ½±Ñ®BõÐ−L−ÌhÔõÐ×e ’í óŠêÐò               And where had He said this?  ?þÑaÌcöÖ×−ÑíÐî
          [so, too, does God’s word] divide into many sparks. 38  .³B®B®−ÌòíÖnÔ×ÐñšÑlÔìгÌô    When He said, “Pharaoh will not listen to you.” 16  íÒ¼ÐþÔtóÓ×−ÑñÎê¼ÔôÐLÌ−êGÐî
                                                                                                                 [12] Say to Aharon. 17  .ïÉøÂäÞÇà-ìÆàøÉîÁà [áé]
                                                                                                             It was not fitting that the dust  −êÔðÐkþÖõÖ¼ÓííÖ−ÖíêG
       32 Ibid. 33, 19.  33 But, rather “My Name, Adonoy I did not make known to them” (v. 3). Since, according to the
                                                                                                                    be struck by Moshe  ,íÓLô −ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼ ³BšÐñÌñ
       Midrash, God’s complaint to Moshe was that, unlike Moshe, the Fathers did not ask His Name, it should so have
       stated!  34 I.e., that the verse’s intent is to convey that the reason God did not reveal His Name, Adonoy, to the
       Fathers, was because they did not ask.  35 Bereishis 15, 7. Thus, God did reveal to Avraham His Name, Adonoy!  10 For had his prayer not specified “by tomorrow,” they would have been destroyed immediately. (G.A.)  11 I.e.,
       36 I.e., these verses can in no way be construed as complaints against Moshe! According to Rashi the context flows  it has no particular tense since it refers to an ongoing action. BëÌñðÑaÐ×Ô−Ôî would be a reference to a one-time event.
       very well, for these statements explain why the time has come to fulfill the promises to the fathers (G.A.). (see ibid.  (G.A.)  12 Bereishis 12, 9.  13 Melachim II, 3, 24.  14 Shmuel I 22, 13.  15 Melachim I 20, 37.  16 Above 7, 4.
       for answers to each of Rashi’s questions on the Midrash)  37 Yirmayahu 23, 29.  38 See Shabbos 88b.  17 Why not Moshe himself?

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