Page 123 - Mitos de los 6 millones
P. 123
Christopher Bumey, The dungeon Democraty.
Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the 20th Century.
Charles Callan Tansill, Back door to war.
William Guy Carr, Pawns in the game.
Thies Christophersen, La mentira de Auschwitz.
Winston S. Churchill, Memorias.
Elie A. Cohen, Human Behaviour in the concentration camps.
Cyril Connolly, The Golden Horizon.
Michael F. Connors, The Development of Germanophobia.
Henry Coston, Les financiers qui mènent le monde.
Aldo Dami, Le dernier des Gibelins.
Lucy Davidovicz, The War against the Jews, 1933– 45.
Eugene Davidson, The trial of the Germans.
Elizabeth Dillings, The plot against Christianity.
Maurice Leon Dodd, How many wold wars?
Josiah E. Du Bois, The Devil’ s Chemists.
Denise Dufournier, Ravensbrück, the Women’ s Camp of Death.
Ivor Duncan, Die Quelle des Pangermanismus.
Robert E. Edmondsson, I Testify.
Dwigth David Eisenhower, Cruzada en Europa.
Leon Feuchwanger, Der Gelbe Fleck: Die Ausrottung von 500.000 Deutschen Juden.
Briand Ford, Armas Secretas Alemanas.
James V. Forrestal, The Forrestal Diaries.
Philip Friedmann, This was Auschwitz: the Story of the Murder Camp; Willi
Frischauer:Himmler, evil Genius of the III Reich.
O. Garrison Willards, The true story of the Lusitania.
Charles Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Robert A. Graham, Actes et Documents du Saint Siège.
Michael Grant, The Jews in the Roman Wold.
Gerald Green, Holocaust.
Nerin E. Gun, The Day of the Americans.
Charles G. Haetmann, There must be no Germany after war.
Richard Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?
Theodor Herzl, A Jewish State.
Rau! Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews.
David Irving, Dresde.
Theodor Nathan Kauffmann, Germany Must Perish.
Benedikt Kautsky, Teuffel und Verdammte.
Arthur Koestler, El Cero y el Infinito.
Eugene Kogon, The Theory and Practice of Hell.
Gustave Le Bon, Psychologie des Foules.
Mark Lautern, Der Letzte Wort über Nürnberg.
Olga Lengyel, Five Chimnevs.
Johann M. Lenz, Christ in Dachau.
Jakob Letchinsky, La situation économique des Juifs depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale.
Nora Levin, The Holocaust.
Luwdig Lewissohn, Israel.
Charles Lindbergh Jr., The Wartime Journail.
Manveil & Frankl, Heinrich Himmler.
Louis Marschalsko, World Conquerors.
David Maxwell Fyfe, The Belsen Trial.
Ralph W. Mclnnis, Managed Atrocities.
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