Page 124 - Mitos de los 6 millones
P. 124

Roland L. Morgan, The biggest lie.
                        Francis Neilson, How diplomats make war.
                        Robert Neumann, Hitler.
                        Max Nordau, Die konventionellen Lügen der Kulturmenschheit.
                        Mikios Nyiszli, SS Obersturmführer Mengele.
                        Olivia Marie O’Grady,Beasts of the Apocalypse.
                        R. T. Paget, Manstein, his campaign and his trial.
                        Einzig Pall, Can we win the peace?.
                        Leon Poliakov, Le Troisième Reich et les Juifs.
                        Jakob Presser, The Destruction of the Church Jews.
                        Hermann Raschhoffer, Political Assassination.
                        Paul Rassinier, Le Mensonge d’ Ulysse; Le passage de la ligne; Le Drame des Juifs
                        Européens; Le procès Eichmann ou les Vainqueurs Incorrigibles; Les Responsables de la II
                        Guerre Mondiale.
                        Gerald Reitlinger, The Final solution; The SS: Alibi of a Nation.
                        Jean-Paul Renard, Chaînes et Lumières.
                        Anthony E. Rhodes, The Vatican in the Age of the Dictators.
                        Emmanuel Ringelblum, Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto.
                        Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority.
                        Arthur Rogers, El misterio del Estado de Israel.
                        David Rousset, The other kingdom.
                        Bertrand Russell, The Scourge of the Swastika.
                        Max Ruppin, Die Juden der Gegenwart.
                        Frank I. Scheidl, Geschichte der Verfermung Deutchslands.
                        Ernst Schnabel, Spur eines Kindes.
                        William Shirer, Rise and Fall of the III Reich.
                        J. M. Spaight, Bombing Vindicated.
                        Albert Speer, Memorias.
                        Kurt Tucholsky, Deutschland, Deutschland über alles.
                        Samuel Waagenaar, The Pope's Jews.
                        Charles Waddell, The Makers of Civilization.
                        Jakob Wassermann, Beruf, Konfession und Verbrechen.
                        Chaim Weizmann, Great Britain, Palestine and the Jews.
                        G. M. Trevelyan, History of England.
                        Leon Uris, Exodus.

                        Encyclopoedia Britannica.
                        Encyclopoedia Judaica.
                        Midrash Rabbah.
                        Evangelio de San Juan.
                        Libro de Isaías. Exodo.
                        Almanaque Mundial 1942.
                        Rapport del Comité Internacional de la Inter-Arma Caritas, 1947.
                        Jewish Encyclopoedia.
                        The Guinnes Book of World Records.
                        Boletín de la «American Association for the Advancement of Science».
                        Unity in Dispersion, editado por el Congreso Mundial Judío.
                        Brittons Publishing Society, The Jewish Problem as dealt with by the Popes.
                        150 Genios opinan sobre los judíos, Editorial Bau. Barcelona.

                        Y las revistas y publicaciones: New York Herald Tribune, New York (2-III-20/14-VI-38).
                        The New York Times, New York (5-1141/1 1-I-45/12-VIII-72). The International Tribune,

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