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KLE FOCUS Aug 2019 Volume 13, Issue 2
Department of Paediatrics and Department of
Obstetrics & Gynaecology jointly Organized a perinatal
CME ‘SAATH-SAATH’ under IAP Presiden al ac on plan in
the associa on of Belagavi.
Associa on of Paediatrics and Belgaum Obstetrics
& Gynecological Society met on 4 August 2019 at the KLE
Society’s Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC. Dr Ranjan
Pejavar, the Na onal Convener for ‘SAATH-SAATH’
program of Bangalore along with Dr Praveen Venkatgiri,
Secretary of Karnataka State NNF, Dr Latha Venkatram,
consultant Obstetrician, Dr N S Praveen Fetal-Medicine
Specialist, Mysore and the eminent local speakers, were present for the event. The CME was unique because of the
concurrent sessions that were organised where obstetricians addressed the Paediatricians and Paediatricians /
Neonatologists addressed the obstetricians. Nearly 150 delegates par cipated in the CME to make it a grand success.
Dr (Mrs) N S Mahantashe , Principal JNMC, Dr Hussainsaheb Khaji, District Surgeon, BIMS, Dr Arun Desai along with other
dignitaries inaugurated the CME. Dr Manisha Bhandankar, Co-ordinator, Dr Hema Pa l, Joint secretary BLOGS and Dr Sharad
Shastri, Secretary BAP, organised the event.
Cri cal Care Nurses Society
of India organized 1 Interna onal
Conference of Regional Federa on
of Cri cal Care Nurses SAARC
countries in collabora on with
KAHER, Ins tute of Nursing Sciences,
on February 8 & 9 , 2019 at KLE
Conven on Centre, Belagavi. The
theme of Conference was “Synergize
culture, Achieve Competencies, Aim
Excellence, Resonate Compassion”.
Pre-conference course of major topics of interest was conducted on 7 February 2019, by the eminent experts. Conference
was inaugurated by Honourable Dr Vivek A Saoji, Vice Chancellor KAHER. In his message, he highlighted the phases of team
building. Dr Jaya Kuruvilla, President of CCNS / RFCCN and organising chairperson unveiled the theme and narrated the
journey of 7 years of remarkable growth of CCNS India. Dr Sudha Raddi, Dean Faculty of Nursing, Principal, KAHER, Ins tute
of Nursing Sciences, & Organising Secretary of the conference and the welcomed the gathering. Two days program of varied
nature such as plenary session, sensi zing session, voice out, debate and panel and many other, not to forget the CCNS
master mind and Quiz programme was organised. Over 9 countries and 10 states of the country representa ves with over
800 delegates a ended the conference.