Page 277 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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(3)  are  the  multinuclear  osteoclasts  (8)  that  remodel  the  developing  bone.  A

               primitive  marrow  cavity  (4)  with  blood  vessels  (9),  blood  cells  (9),  and
               hematopoietic tissue is located between the formed bony trabeculae (3).

               FIGURE  7.25  ■  Intramembranous  ossification:  developing  skull  bone
               (decalcified bone; transverse section). Stain: Mallory-Azan. ×64.

               FIGURE 7.26 | Cancellous Bone with Trabeculae

               and  Marrow  Cavities:  Sternum  (Transverse

               Section, Decalcified)

               Cancellous  bone  consists  of  slender  bony  trabeculae  (5)  that  ramify,
               anastomose, and enclose irregular marrow cavities with blood vessels (4). The
               periosteum (2, 7) that surrounds the trabeculae (5) of cancellous bone merges
               with adjacent dense irregular connective tissue with blood vessels (1). Inferior

               to  the  periosteum  (2,  7),  the  bony  trabeculae  (5)  merge  with  a  thin  layer  of
               compact bone (9) that contains a forming or primitive osteon (6) and a mature
               osteon (Haversian system) (8) with concentric lamellae.

                   Except  for  concentric  lamellae  in  the  primitive  osteon  (6)  and  the  mature

               osteon (8), the bone inferior to the periosteum (2, 7) and the bony trabeculae (5)
               exhibit parallel lamellae. Osteocytes (3) in lacunae are visible in trabeculae (5)
               and compact bone (9).

                   Between bony trabeculae (5) are the marrow cavities with blood vessels (4)
               and hematopoietic tissue (11) that gives rise to new blood cells. Because of the

               low  magnification,  individual  red  and  white  blood  cells  are  not  recognizable.

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