Page 73 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 73

In	the	United	States,	you	say	the	customer	is	always	right.	In	Japan,	we	say	the
customer	is	God.	There	is	a	big	difference.

         —Japanese	businessman

Our	DNA	is	as	a	consumer	company—for	that	individual	customer	who’s	voting
thumbs	 up	 or	 thumbs	 down.	 That’s	 who	 we	 think	 about.	 And	 we	 think	 that	 our
job	 is	 to	 take	 responsibility	 for	 the	 complete	 user	 experience.	 And	 if	 it’s	 not	 up
to	par,	it’s	our	fault,	plain	and	simply.

         —Steve	 Jobs,	 cofounder	 of	 Apple	 and	 Pixar	 Animation	 (from	 Fortune	 magazine,	 March	 7,	 2008)
            Customers	love	certainty;	make	sure	you	give	it	to	them.

         —Amit	Kalantri,	author

A	 complaint	 is	 a	 unique	 opportunity	 to	 strengthen	 the	 relationship	 with	 the

         —Kevin	Kelly,	author	(from	his	book	DO!	The	Pursuit	of	Xceptional	Execution,	2013)	

It	is	not	the	employer	who	pays	the	wages.	Employers	only	handle	the	money.	It
is	the	customer	who	pays	the	wages.

         —Henry	Ford,	founder	of	Ford	Motor	Co.	(from	Ford	Motors	PR	compilation)
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