Page 32 - RotF - Electrical Specification_Neat
P. 32

                                 Version 2014-2

                           3.  Operation and Maintenance manuals, instruction charts, diagrams, record drawings
                               etc. have been submitted, approved and supplied.
                           4.  A complete demonstration of every service has been carried out with full functional
                               operational controls tested and demonstrated and instructions given to Client's
                               staff to show proper working.

               1.2.16  British Standard Specifications

                         All equipment, materials and workmanship are to comply fully with the requirements of
                         the relevant British Standard and/or its European equivalent (BS EN ISO)
               1.2.17  Specialist Trade Attendance on Plant and Equipment

                         The Electrical Contractor is to arrange and make payment for specialist tradesmen to visit
                         site, adjust and put into working order all items of specialised plant and equipment
                         supplied under the Contract.
               1.2.18  Cleaning Down Equipment

                         On completion of the works or section of the works any new item and/or existing item of
                         equipment that has been soiled (by the Contractor or his Sub-Contractors) are to be
                         thoroughly cleaned internally and externally and where applicable polished  by the
               1.2.19  Maintenance of New Equipment

                         All items of equipment whether put into operation before the completion of the Contract
                         or not must be maintained in perfect order by the Electrical Contractor until the Practical
                         Completion of the installation or until an agreed section of the installation is officially
                         handed over to the Client.
               1.2.20  Discrepancies

                         Any apparent discrepancies within the Employers Requirements are to be noted at the
                         time of tendering. No claim for extra costs shall be considered  in respect of any item
                         described in the Employers Requirements.
               1.2.21  Testing and Commissioning Of the Works

                         The Electrical Contractor is to undertake a pre commissioning exercise of the installations
                         to prove correct operation of lighting control and other interlocked systems, air and water
                         flow rates and temperatures and water condition.

                         The Electrical Contractor is to carry out all necessary commissioning and testing, both as
                         the installation proceeds and on completion to ensure the correctness of the installation
                         and its compliance with the following (where no suitable code exists for commissioning an
                         item of plant, the manufacturer's recommended method of commissioning should be
                         used). The  Electrical Contractor  shall be required to re commission the entire  system
                                                      McDonalds Restaurants Ltd

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