Page 159 - Orwell, George - Nineteen eighty-four -bilingüe [pdf]
P. 159
George Orwell 1 9 8 4 158
he said. He told her about the frigid little ceremony una cosa — añadió —. Y le contó la pequeña
that Katharine had forced him to go through on the ceremonia frígida que Katharine le había
same night every week. 'She hated it, but nothing obligado a celebrar la misma noche cada semana.
would make her stop doing it. She used to call it— Le repugnaba, pero por nada del mundo lo habría
but you'll never guess.' dejado de hacer. No te puedes figurar cómo le
llamaba a aquello.
'Our duty to the Party,' said Julia promptly. — «Nuestro deber para con el Partido» —dijo
Julia inmediatamente.
'How did you know that?' — ¿Cómo lo sabías?
'I've been at school too, dear. Sex talks once a — Querido, también yo he estado en la escuela.
month for the over-sixteens. And in the Youth A las mayores de dieciséis años les dan
Movement. They rub it into you for years. I dare conferencias sobre tema, sexuales una vez al
say it works in a lot of cases. But of course you can mes. Y luego, en el Movimiento juvenil, no dejan
never tell; people are such hypocrites.' de grabarle a una esas estupideces en la cabeza.
En muchísimos casos da resultado. Claro que
nunca se tiene la seguridad porque la gente es tan
She began to enlarge upon the subject. With Julia, Y Julia se extendió sobre este asunto. Ella lo
everything came back to her own sexuality. As refería todo a su propia sexualidad.
soon as this was touched upon in any way she was
capable of great acuteness. Unlike Winston, she A diferencia de Winston, entendía perfectamente
had grasped the inner meaning of the Party's sexual lo que el Partido se proponía con su puritanismo
puritanism. It was not merely that the sex instinct sexual.
created a world of its own which was outside the
Party's control and which therefore had to be
destroyed if possible. What was more important Lo más importante era que la represión sexual
was that sexual privation induced hysteria, which conducía a la histeria, lo cual era deseable ya que
was desirable because it could be transformed into se podía transformar en una fiebre guerrera y en
war-fever and leader-worship. The way she put it adoración del líder. Ella lo explicaba así:
'When you make love you're using up energy; and «Cuando haces el amor gastas energías y después
afterwards you feel happy and don't give a damn te sientes feliz y no te importa nada. No pueden
for anything. They can't bear you to feel like that. soportarlo que te sientas así. Quieren que estés a
They want you to be bursting with energy all the punto de estallar de energía todo el tiempo.
time. All this marching up and down and cheering Todas estas marchas arriba y abajo vitoreando y
and waving flags is simply sex gone sour. If you're agitando banderas no es más que sexo agriado. Si
happy inside yourself, why should you get excited eres feliz dentro de ti mismo, ¿por qué te ibas a
about Big Brother and the Three-Year Plans and excitar por el Gran Hermano y el Plan Trienal y
the Two Minutes Hate and all the rest of their los Dos Minutos de Odio y todo el resto de su
bloody rot?' porquerías.