Page 267 - Orwell, George - Nineteen eighty-four -bilingüe [pdf]
P. 267

George Orwell                                    1 9 8 4                                    266

          Parsons  was  removed.  More  prisoners  came  and  Se  llevaron  a  Parsons.  Entraron  y  salieron  más
          went, mysteriously. One, a woman, was consigned  presos, misteriosamente. Una mujer fue enviada a
          to  ‘Room  101’,  and,  Winston  noticed,  seemed  to  la  «habitación  101»  y  Winston  observó  que  esas
          shrivel and turn a different colour when she heard  palabras  la  hicieron  cambiar  de  color.  Llegó  el
          the  words.  A  time  came  when,  if  it  had  been  momento en que, si hubiera sido de día cuando le
          morning  when  he  was  brought  here,  it  would  be  llevaron allí, sería ya la última hora de la tarde; y
          afternoon; or if it had been afternoon, then it would  de  haber  entrado  por  la  tarde,  sería  ya  media
          be  midnight.  There  were  six  prisoners  in  the  cell,  noche. Había seis presos en la celda entre hombres
          men  and  women.  All  sat  very  still.  Opposite  y  mujeres.  Todos  estaban  sentados  muy  quietos.
          Winston there sat a man with a chinless, toothy face  Frente a Winston se hallaba un hombre con cara de
          exactly like that of some large, harmless rodent. His  roedor;  apenas  tenía  barbilla  y  sus  dientes  eran
          fat, mottled cheeks were so pouched at the bottom  afilados  y  salientes.  Los  carrillos  le  formaban
          that it was difficult not to believe that he had little  bolsones  de  tal  modo  que  podía  pensarse  que
          stores  of  food  tucked  away  there.  His  pale-grey  almacenaba  allí  comida.  Sus  ojos  gris  pálido  se
          eyes flitted timorously from face to face and turned  movían  temerosamente  de  un  lado  a  otro  y  se
          quickly away again when he caught anyone’s eye.      desviaba su mirada en cuanto tropezaba con la de
                                                               otra persona.

          The door opened, and another prisoner was brought  Se abrió la puerta de nuevo y entró otro preso cuyo
          in  whose  appearance  sent  a  momentary  chill  aspecto le causó un escalofrío a Winston. Era un
          through  Winston.  He  was  a  commonplace,  mean- hombre  de  aspecto  vulgar,  quizás  un  ingeniero  o
          looking man who might have been an engineer or  un técnico. Pero lo sorprendente en él era su figura
          technician of some kind. But what was startling was  esquelético. Su delgadez era tan exagerada que la
          the  emaciation  of  his  face.  It  was  like  a  skull.  boca  y  los  ojos  parecían  de  un  tamaño
          Because of its thinness the mouth and eyes looked  desproporcionado y en sus ojos se almacenaba un
          disproportionately large, and the eyes seemed filled  intenso  y  criminal  odio  contra  algo  o  contra
          with  a  murderous,  unappeasable  hatred  of  alguien.
          somebody or something.

          The man sat down on the bench at a little distance  El individuo se sentó en el banco a poca distancia
          from Winston. Winston did not look at him again,  de Winston. Éste no volvió a mirarle, pero la cara
          but  the  tormented,  skull-like  face  was  as  vivid  in  de calavera se le había quedado tan grabada como
          his mind as though it had been straight in front of  si  la  tuviera  continuamente  frente  a  sus  ojos.  De
          his eyes. Suddenly he realized what was the matter.  pronto  comprendió  de  qué  se  trataba.  Aquel
          The man was dying of starvation. The same thought  hombre  se  moría  de  hambre.  Lo  mismo  pareció
          seemed to occur almost simultaneously to everyone  ocurrírseles casi a la vez a cuantos allí se hallaban.
          in  the  cell.  There  was  a  very  faint  stirring  all  the  Se produjo un leve movimiento por todo el banco.
          way round the bench. The eyes of the chinless man  El hombre de la cara de ratón miraba de cuando en
          kept  flitting  towards  the  skull-faced  man,  then  cuando  al  esquelético  y  desviaba  en  seguida  la
          turning guiltily away, then being dragged back by  mirada con aire culpable para volverse a fijarse en
          an  irresistible  attraction.  Presently  he  began  to  él  irresistiblemente  atraído.  Por  fin  se  levantó,
          fidget  on  his  seat.  At  last  he  stood  up,  waddled  cruzó  pesadamente  la  celda,  se  rebuscó  en  el
          clumsily across the cell, dug down into the pocket  bolsillo  del  «mono»  y  con  aire  tímido  sacó  un
          of his overalls, and, with an abashed air, held out a  mugriento  mendrugo  de  pan  y  se  lo  tendió  al
          grimy piece of bread to the skull-faced man.         hambriento.
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