Page 268 - Orwell, George - Nineteen eighty-four -bilingüe [pdf]
P. 268
George Orwell 1 9 8 4 267
There was a furious, deafening roar from the La telepantalla rugió furiosa. El de la cara de ratón
telescreen. The chinless man jumped in his tracks. volvió a su sitio de un brinco. El esquelético se
The skull-faced man had quickly thrust his hands había llevado inmediatamente las manos detrás de
behind his back, as though demonstrating to all the la espalda como para demostrarle a todo el mundo
world that he refused the gift. que se había negado a aceptar el ofrecimiento.
‘Bumstead!’ roared the voice. ‘2713 Bumstead J.! — ¡Bumstead! — gritó la voz de un modo
Let fall that piece of bread!’ ensordecedor —. ¡2713 Bumstead! Tira ese
pedazo de pan.
The chinless man dropped the piece of bread on the El individuo tiró el mendrugo al suelo.
‘Remain standing where you are,’ said the voice. — Ponte de pie de cara a la puerta y sin hacer
‘Face the door. Make no movement.’ ningún movimiento.
The chinless man obeyed. His large pouchy cheeks El hombre obedeció mientras le temblaban los
were quivering uncontrollably. The door clanged bolsones de sus mejillas. Se abrió la puerta de
open. As the young officer entered and stepped golpe y entró el joven oficial, que se apartó para
aside, there emerged from behind him a short dejar pasar a un guardia achaparrado con enormes
stumpy guard with enormous arms and shoulders. brazos y hombros. Se colocó frente al hombre del
He took his stand opposite the chinless man, and mendrugo y, a una orden muda del oficial, le lanzó
then, at a signal from the officer, let free a frightful un terrible puñetazo a la boca apoyándolo con todo
blow, with all the weight of his body behind it, full el peso de su cuerpo. La fuerza del golpe empujó
in the chinless man’s mouth. The force of it seemed al individuo hasta la otra pared de la celda. Se
almost to knock him clear of the floor. His body cayó junto al retrete. Le brotaba una sangre
was flung across the cell and fetched up against the negruzca de la boca y de la nariz. Después,
base of the lavatory seat. For a moment he lay as gimiendo débilmente, consiguió ponerse en pie.
though stunned, with dark blood oozing from his Entre un chorro de sangre y saliva, se le cayeron
mouth and nose. A very faint whimpering or de la boca las dos mitades de una dentadura
squeaking, which seemed unconscious, came out of postiza.
him. Then he rolled over and raised himself
unsteadily on hands and knees. Amid a stream of
blood and saliva, the two halves of a dental plate
fell out of his mouth.
The prisoners sat very still, their hands crossed on Los presos estaban muy quietos, todos ellos con
their knees. The chinless man climbed back into his las manos cruzadas sobre las rodillas. El hombre
place. Down one side of his face the flesh was ratonil volvió a su sitio. Se le oscurecía la carne en
darkening. His mouth had swollen into a shapeless uno de los lados de la cara. Se le hinchó la boca
cherry-coloured mass with a black hole in the hasta formar una masa informe con un agujero
middle of it. negro en medio.
From time to time a little blood dripped on to the Sus ojos grises seguían moviéndose, sintiéndose
breast of his overalls. His grey eyes still flitted from más culpable que nunca y como tratando de