Page 225 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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228  13  Acquired Heart Disease




            Figure 13.25  An 11-year-old DSH presented for evaluation of increased respiratory effort. Pleural effusion is present with mild
            retraction and rounding of the lung lobes. On the lateral projection (a), there is rounding of the left ventricular margin with dorsal
            displacement of the trachea. The heart base is widened on the dorsoventral projection (b). The fractional shortening is slightly
            elevated at 59.7% with enlargement of the left ventricular chamber in diastole (c). The interventricular septum and left ventricular
            free wall are within normal limits for size. Biatrial enlargement is documented on echocardiogram (d). The final diagnosis was
            restrictive cardiomyopathy.

            caudal vena cava, hepatomegaly, ascites, pleural, and peri­  focal aneurysm. Enlargement of the right ventricular cham­
            cardial  effusion  can  be  present  with  advancement  into   ber  in  diastole  was  reported  to  be  17.1  +/−5.9 mm  com­
            right‐sided cardiac failure [28].                 pared  to  5.0  +/−2.1 mm  in  the  normal  group.  Variable
                                                              changes were noted involving the left atrium, ranging from
            13.12.1  Echocardiographic Findings               normal to severe enlargement. Arrhythmias were found in
            (Figure 13.28)                                    8/12 patients 48 hours prior to death. Gross findings showed
                                                              moderate to severe enlargement of the right ventricle in all
            In the same study, enlargement of the right atrium and ven­  cats and right atrial enlargement in only 7/12. Histologically,
            tricle was found on echocardiography. Thinning of the right   these patients suffered from an inflammatory process and
            ventricular  free  wall  was  seen  with  some  cats  forming  a   fatty deposition within the myocardium [28].
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