Page 241 - Feline diagnostic imaging
P. 241

244  13  Acquired Heart Disease



             (c)                                              (d)

            Figure 13.41  An adult cat presented for chronic head shaking. A moderate amount of pleural effusion is present on the lateral (a)
            and ventrodorsal (b) images of the thorax. The heart base appears mildly widened on the ventrodorsal image. The left atrium is
            enlarged. Collapse of the right atrium is noted due to the pleural effusion (c,d). This patient was diagnosed in heart failure. LA, left
            atrium; RA, right atrium,

            In  a  study  of  naturally  occurring  heartworm  disease,  34   cardiography. Radiographic examination showed changes
            asymptomatic cats were followed every three months until   in  11/34  cats  with  focal  or  diffuse  bronchointerstitial
            self‐cure or death. Self‐cure was defined as being negative   changes.  Less  common  changes  included  pulmonary
            for antigen and having no heartworms visualized on echo­    arterial enlargement or pleural effusion. The majority of
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