Page 259 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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14.4 Bronchial Disease  263

                (a)                                                   (b)


               Figure 14.16  Lateral (a) and ventrodorsal (b) and postcontrast transverse computed tomographic image (c) of the thorax of a cat
               presented for episodes of dyspnea. An ill-defined mass is seen within the left caudal lung lobe and right middle lung lobe. The
               remaining lung has a diffuse bronchointerstitial pattern. On the computed tomographic image, there is diffuse increase in ground-
               glass opacities with variably sized soft tissue nodules/masses. A soft tissue mass visualized in the left caudal lung lobe appears
               bronchocentric. Fine needle aspiration was consistent with pulmonary carcinoma. Source: Images courtesy of Dr Merrilee Holland,
               Auburn University.

               pulmonary opacities are noted in cats with lymphoma else-  14.4   Bronchial Disease
               where in the body (Figure 14.19).
                                                                  Feline inflammatory lower airway disease (also known as
                                                                  feline  bronchial  disease)  likely  represents  more  than  one
               14.3.2  Metastatic Disease
                                                                  disease process, including feline asthma and chronic bron-
               Pulmonary metastatic disease in cats can occur with a vari-  chitis. Bronchiolar disease is being recognized more often
               ety of patterns. The classic well‐defined interstitial pulmo-  because of the increased use of computed tomography [21].
               nary  nodular  pattern  is  less  common  in  the  cat,  with   Feline asthma, or allergic bronchial asthma, is a hyper-
               ill‐defined pulmonary nodules or focal/multifocal alveolar   sensitivity  reaction  characterized  by  eosinophilic  airway
               pattern  with  or  without  ill‐defined  nodules  more  com-  inflammation and bronchoconstriction. Chronic bronchitis
               monly  seen  (Figure  14.20)  [8,13,20].  Primary  and  meta-  is better characterized by a neutrophilic inflammation with
               static  pulmonary  neoplasia  cannot  be  differentiated  by   edema  and  hypertrophy  of  the  respiratory  mucosa,  with
               their radiographic appearance.                     increased  mucus  production  [22–25].  The  radiographic
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