Page 260 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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264  14  Feline Pulmonary Disease

            (a)                                               (b)


            Figure 14.17  Lateral (a) and ventrodorsal (b) and postcontrast transverse computed tomographic image (c) of a cat presented for
            coughing. Two soft tissue focally mineralized masses are present in the caudal lung lobes. Focal cavitation is noted in the larger right
            caudal lung lobe. Cytology was consistent with a necrotic center of a mass, most likely neoplasia. Source: Images courtesy of
            Dr Merrilee Holland, Auburn University.

            changes are the same for both disease  processes, and are   In up to about 10% of cats with feline bronchial disease,
            highly variable and potentially  transient; bronchitis can be   atelectasis  of  the  right  middle  lung  lobe  occurs  due  to
            present despite normal radiographs [22–24, 26–30].  obstruction of the airway by a mucus plug, with failure to
              The most common radiographic sign is a bronchial pat-  expel during a forced expiration (cough). The remnant of
            tern characterized by increased prominence of the bron-  the collapsed lobe creates a concave lobar sign on the left
            chial walls, with visualization toward the lung periphery.   lateral thoracic radiograph superimposed over the caudal
            The thickened walls are characterized by end‐on ring‐like   aspect of the cardiac silhouette, and a small, triangular soft
            structures and paired lines (Figure 14.21). Bronchial min-  tissue  opacity  adjacent  to  the  heart  on  the VD/DV  view
            eralization  may  be  present.  An  increase  in  unstructured   (Figure 14.22). Other lobes can collapse with feline bron-
            interstitial pattern can also be present, either by itself or   chial disease, but the right middle lobe is the most com-
            accompanying the bronchial wall thickening. In the non-  monly affected. Minimal mediastinal shift is present, likely
            traditional approach, bronchial and unstructured intersti-  due to the chronic nature of the collapse, the small size of
            tial patterns are not differentiated, so the resulting opacities   the right middle lung lobe, and the subtle overexpansion of
            are termed bronchocentric.                        the right cranial and caudal lobes to compensate.
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