Page 14 - INDIAN SCOUT Constitution
P. 14
v) Only a bonafide member shall be eligible to contest and vote for
the election.
vi) A candidate who gets simple majority shall be declared elected by
the Returning Officer.
vii) If two or more candidates get same number of votes, on the
folder chit of the names of such candidates will be prepared and
the President of the meeting pick up one folded chit. He will
declare the name of the elected candidate.
viii) Age limit - All key post at every level should not be occupied by a
person of above 70years age. While nominating for any post or
election he/she should be within 67years of age.
B. In the event of election by Secret ballot, the following procedure
shall be followed:
i) Nomination document containing the name of the
candidate, proposed for the post shall be sent by email to
the Returning officer with the words ‘Election' written in
subject, acknowledgment due within stipulated time.
ii) The email shall be opened in the presence of the 3
members committee appointed by the National Council.
iii) If there more than one candidate for the post of National
President and members of the National Council, election
will be held as per schedule.
iv) Counting will be done as per schedule and the result will be
declared by the Returning Officer.
i. To elect National President & the National Council
ii. To amend, alter or add any clause in the constitution of the
iii. To approve formation of State SGFs and their activities
managed by National Council.
iv. To approve to acquire, purchase, take on lease, hire or
otherwise acquire and hold any land or building for the
Fellowship as per the recommendation by National Council.
v. To approve receive and accept donations, endowments and
gifts In the form of cash, land or building etc. – as per
recommendation of National Council in accordance with
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