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                   The Study on the Evolution Path and Characteristics of Rice Support Policy in Japan

                                                 Ito Junichi  Ni Jing  Cao Bin

              Abstract:  After the war, Japan actively adjusted the rice support policy in different historical stages, according to the internal
              contradictions and the external social and economic environment changes in agricultural rural area, which played an active role
              in solving the contradiction between rice supply and demand and increasing farmers' income.  This paper uses a combination of
              literature collation and field investigation methods, which analyzed in details of the evolution path and characteristics of Japanese rice
              support policy, and it is deemed that based on the core policy changes the Japanese rice support policy can be divided into period of
              "Food Administration Act", "Main Food Supply and Demand and Price Stabilization Act", and Abe Regime. At the present, the reform

              on Japan's rice support policy is aimed to nurture the agricultural business entities, to promote the transformation from consumer
              burden type to taxpayer burden type by using market mechanism and direct payment system, and to boost the yield of feed rice,
              wheat and other crops.  Although direct payment subsidy system may match the rule of economic development and more transparent,
              but the performance appraisal still needs to improve. In other hand, what kind of business entities is more in line with concept of
              policy reform also to be studied.  It is pointed out that the land-use agriculture in small-scale farmers’ countries in East Asia needs is
              able to develop sustainably by policy protection and national understanding, and cultivating new agricultural management subjects is
              a common problems faced by both Japan and China.
              Key Words:Rice Support Policy; Direct Payment System; Agricultural Business Entity; Policy Performance Appraisal

               10   日本研究·2020 年第 2 期
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