Page 110 - El paraiso perdido
P. 110

L I B R O   V
                            P A R A D I S E   L O S T
                                                                      Ya hacia el  Este la Aurora de pies rosas
                                B O O K   V
                                                                      Sembraba su rocío sobre el suelo
                           T H E   A R G U M E N T
                                                                      Cuando Adán despertó porque su sueño
                                                                      Era leve, de simple digestión
        Morning  aproaehed.  Eve  reíales  lo  Ac/am  lier  troublesome
        dream;  he  likes  il  nol.  yei  comforts  her;  l/iey  eome forth  lo   Y templados humores que el sonido
                                                                      De las hojas y arroyos matutinos.
        llieir  doy  lahours:  iheir  morning  hymn  al  the  door  of ihek
        hower.  God.  lo  render  Man  inexcusable,  sends  Raphael  lo   Ligeros, dispersaba, con  los gritos
        admonish him ofhis obedience. ofhis free estáte, ofhis enemy   Del pájaro en el bosque.  Fue muy grande
        near al liand.  u ho he is. and why his enemy. ans whatever else   Su asombro al encontrar a Eva dormida
        may avail Adam lo know.  Raphael comes down lo Paradise;      Con trenzas descompuestas, rojo el rostro.
        his appearenee described: his eoming discerned bv Adam ajar   Inquieta en su descanso.  El.  por su parte.
        olí.  silling al  llie door of his hower; he goes oul lo mecí  him.   Medio echado, con ojos amorosos

        brings him lo his lodge.  emertains him wii/i ihe ehoicest fruits   Se inclinaba sobre ella > contemplaba
        of  Paradise.  gol  together  by  Ere;  iheir  discourse  al  table.
        Raphael performs his message.  minds Adam ofhis State and
        of his enemy;  reíales,  al Adam's requesi.  who that  enemy is.
        and liow he carne lo  be so.  beginning from his Jirst  revolt  in
        //caven,  and  the  oeeasion  thereof:  how  he  drew  his  legions
        after him  lo the parís of the North.  and there ineited ihem lo
        rebel with him. persuadíng all bul on/v Abdiel.  a seraph.  who
        in argumeni dissuades and opposes him.  then forsakes him.

           Now  Morn. her rosy steps in  th'castern clime
        Advancing, sowed the earth with orient pearl.
        When Adam waked, so customed: for his sleep                                                          109
        Was acry light.  from puré digestión bred.
        And températe vapours bland. which th'only sound
        Of leaves and fuming rills. Aurora's fan,
        Lightly dispersed. and the shrill  matin song
        Of birds on every bough. So much  the more
        His wonder was to find  unwakened  Eve.
        With tresses discomposed. and glowing cheek.   10
        As through  unquiet  rest.  He. on  his side
        Leamng half raised. w ith  looks of cordial love
        Hung over her enamoured. and beheld
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