Page 121 - El paraiso perdido
P. 121
From all his alimcntal recompense De todos su nutricia recompensa
In humid exhalations. and at even En húmedos vapores, y al ocaso
Sups with ihe Ocean. Though in Heaven ihe trees Con el Océano cena. Aunque en el Cielo
Of life ambrosia! fruitage bear and vines Hay frutos de ambrosia y los viñedos
Yield nectar-though from otT the boughs each morn Dan néctar, aunque todas las mañanas
We brush melliíluous dews. and fmd the ground Recogemos melifluo rocío.
Covered with pearly grain-yet God hath here 430 Granos de gran blancura. Dios aquí
Varied his bounty so with Heaven and to taste Varia sus bondades con deleites
As may compare with Heaven; and to taste Que parecen del Cielo. Yo en comida
Think not I shall be nice.' So down they sat. No soy escrupuloso." Se sentaron
And to their viands fell.nor seemingly Y caen sobre los frutos. No fingía
The Angel, ñor in mist-the common gloss Entre nieblas el Angel, acomo dicen
Of theologians-but with keen dispatch Los sabios, sino viva, prontamente
Of real hunger. and concoctive heat Con hambre y con calor de digestión
To transubstantiate: what redounds transpires Transustanciaba. El resto lo transpiran
Through Spirits with ease; ñor wonder. if by tire Los Angeles muy fácil: que con fuego
Of sooty coal the empiric alchemist 440
De carbón, el empírico alquimista
Can turn. or holds it posible to turn. Convierte, o él sostiene que se puede.
Metals of drossiest ore to perfect gold. Al más bajo metal en oro puro
As from the mine. Meanwhile at table Eve Igual que el de una mina. Eva. entretanto
Ministered naked. and their flowing cups
Desnuda los servía y las copas
With pleasant liquors crowned. O innocence Coronaba con néctar: ¡Oh inocencia
Deserving paradise! If ever. then. Del paraíso digna! Entonces, si.
Then had the Sons of God excuse to have been Se excusará a los Angeles estar
Enamoured at that sight. But in those hearts Prendados de tal vista. Mas sus pechos
Love unlibidinous reigned. ñor jealousy Gobierna el amor puro, m los celos
Was understood. the injured lover's hell. 450 Existen ese infierno del amante.
Thus when with meats and drinks they had sufficed, Cuando comen y beben lo bastante
Not burdened nature. sudden mind aróse Sin cargar su natura, se le ocurre
In Adam not to let th’occasion pass.
A Adán aprovechar esa ocasión
Given him by this great conference. to know De tan gran conferencia y conocer
Of things above his world, and of their being Las cosas de allá arriba, cómo son.
Who dwell in Heaven. whose excellence he saw Quiénes viven el Ciclo, tan excelsos.
Transcend his own so lar. whose radiant forms. Que tanto le superan, cuya lu/.
Divine effulgence. whose high power so far Efluvio divinal, cuyo poder
Exceeded humana: and his wary speech Tanto excede al humano. Con prudencia
Thus to th’cmpyreal minister he framed:- 460 Al empíreo ministro le habla asi:
‘Inhabitant with God, now know I well "Tu que vives con Dios, conozco bien
Thy favour. in this honour done to Man: Tu favor y este honor que has hecho al hombre
Under whose lowly roof thou hast vouchsafed Bajo su humilde techo has aceptado
To enter and these earthly fruits to taste. Entrar, comer los frutos de la tierra.