Page 125 - El paraiso perdido
P. 125

PARADISE  LOST                                           I.IBRO V

             Under their hicrarchs in orders bright.                  Tras sus jefes en filas refulgentes:
             Ten  thousand thousand ensigns high advanced.            Avanzaban por miles las banderas.
             Standards and gonfalons. 'twixt van and rear.            Pendones y estandartes a lo largo:
             Stream  in the air. and  for distinction serve   590     En el aire ondeaban distinguiendo
             Of hierarchies. of orders. and degrees:                  Jerarquías y órdenes y grados.
             Or in their glittering tissues bear emblazed             En  la seda lucían  los blasones
             Holy memorials. acts of zeal and love                    Memorables, acciones entusiastas.
             Rccorded emincnt. Thus when in orbs                      Eminentes recuerdos. Cuando en orbes.
             Of circuit  inexpressible they stood.                    En cerco inexpresable se colocan.
             Orb within orb. the Father Infinite.                     Concéntricos, el  Padre Ilimitado
             By whom  is bliss embosomed sat the Son.                 En cuyo seno el Hijo está gozoso.
             Amidst as from a flaming mount. whose top                De en  medio cual de un  monte cuya cima
             Brightness had  made invisible, thus spake:-             La luz hace invisible, dice asi:
               'Hear all ye Angels Progeny of Light.   600            “Oid todos los angeles de luz.
             Thrones. Dominations.  Princedoms.  Virtues.  Powers.    Poderes.  Principados y Virtudes.
             Hcar my decree, which unrevoked shall stand!             Escuchad  mi decreto irrevocable:
             This day 1ha ve begot whom  I declare                    Hoy engendro a quien hoy declaro ser

             My only Son. and on this holy hill                       Mi  Unigénito.  En este santo monte
             Him  have anointed. whom ye now behold                   Queda ungido, a quien ahora contempláis
             At my right  hand.  Your head  I  him appoint.           A  mi diestra. Será vuestra cabeza
             And by  myself have sworn  to him  shall bow             V  he jurado que ante El se doblará
             All  knees in  Heaven. and shall confess him  Lord.      Todo el Cielo llamándole Señor.
             Under his great vicegerent  reign abide.                 Vivid bajo su gran vicerregencia
             United as one individual soul.       610                 Unidos cual con una sola alma
             For ever happv.  Him who disobcys                        V  felices. Si  no le obedecéis
             Me disobevs. breaks unión, and. that day.                Me desobedecéis, rompéis la unión
             Cast out from God and hlessed visión,  falls             V. arrojados de Dios, descenderéis
             Into utter darkness. deep engulfed. his place            A  profundas tinieblas, al lugar
             Ordained without redemption. without end.’               Donde no hay redención y para siempre."
               So spake th’Omnipotent. and with his words             Habló el Omnipotente y sus palabras
             All seemed well pleasedi all seemed. but were not all.   A todos agradaron,  mas no a todos.
             That day. as other solemn days. they spent              Aquel solemne dia lo emplearon
             In song and dance about the sacred  hill—                Danzando alrededor del  Monte Santo
             Mystical dance, which vonder starry sphere   620        Una  mística danza que la esfera
             Of planets and of fixed in all  her wheels              De planetas y estrellas sobre carros
             Resembles nearcst: mazes intrieate.                     Imita, complicado movimiento
             Ecccntric. intervolved, yet regular                     Excéntrico, envolvente, aunque ordenado
             Then  most when  most irregular they seem;              Cuando más en desorden aparece.
             And  in their motions harmony divine                    La div ina armonía en tales juegos
             So smoothes her charming toncs that God's own ear       Suaviza el  tono místico y  Dios mismo
             Listens delighted.  Evening now  approached             Se deleita.  La noche estaba cerca
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