Page 127 - El paraiso perdido
P. 127

PARADISE  LOST                                          I.IBRO  V
            With all  his Icgions to dislodge. and leave             Huir con  sus legiones > dejar

            Unworshippcd. unobeycd. thc Throne suprcmc   670         Sin culto ni obediencia el alto Trono.
            C'onicmpluous. and.  his nexl subordínale                Despectivo.  A quien tiene a su  mandato
            Awakening. ihus lo him  in secrei spakc:-                Lo despierta  \  le dice con sigilo:
               'Sleep'st ihou. companion dcar? what slcep can cióse   “Amigo, (duermes tú?¿Qué sueno cierra
            Thy cvelids? and  rememb'resl what decree                Tus parpados? ¿Recuerdas que decreto
            Of yesterday, so lale hath  passed ihe lips              Tan sólo ayer los labios ha cruzado
            Of Heaven's Almighly? Thou lo me thy thoughls            Del Dios del Cielo? A  mi  tus pensamientos
            Wast woni.  I  mine to thee was wont. lo impan:          Solías, cual yo a ti. comunicar.
            Both waking we were one: how then can  now               Velando éramos uno. ¿Cómo puede
            Thy sleep dissent? New laws thou scest imposed:          Separarnos el sueño? Has  núes a les
            New laws from  him who reigns new  minds may raise       De quien  manda causando nuesa mente
            In  us who serve-new counsels. to debate   680
                                                                     En quien sirve.  Es prudente debatir
            What doubtful  may ensue.  More in this place            Qué dudas se producen.  Decir mas
            To utter is not sale.  Assemble thou                     Aquí ya no es seguro.  Tú convoca
            Of all those myriads which wc Icad the chief;            La  mejor de las huestes que mandamos
            Tell  them that. by command. ere yet dim  Night          Y diles que me ordenan aun de noche.
            Her shadowy cloud withdraws.  I am  to haste.            Aun con  nubes oscuras, ir deprisa
            And all who under me their banners wave.                 Y a todas las banderas que  me siguen
            Homeward with  llying march where we possess             Hacia casa solando, a donde están
            The quarters of the North.  there to prepare             Los cuarteles del Norte a preparar
            Fit entertainment to receive our King.   690
                                                                     Recepción adecuada a  nuestro Res.
            The great  Messiah. and his new commands.
                                                                     Al  Mesías de nuevos mandamientos.
            Who speedily through all  the hierarchies                Quien con prisa, a irasés de jerarquías.
            Intends to pass triumphant. and give laws.'
                                                                     Pretende ir en triunfo, dando leses."
              So spake the lalse Archangel. and infused              Asi habla el falso Arcángel difundiendo
            Bad  influence into th' unwarv breast
                                                                     Malicia en el  incauto corazón
            Of his associate:  he together calis.                    De su socio, que llama a todos juntos
            Of several one by one. the regent  Powers.
                                                                     O uno a uno. a los ángeles con  mando
            Under him  regent: tells as he was taught                Bajo el y les dice su  lección:
            That the Most  High commanding.  now ere Night.  700     Que el Altísimo manda que. aun de noche.
            Now  ere dim  Night  had disencumbered  Heavcn           Cuando la noche aun oculta el cielo
            The great hierarchal satandard was to move:              La jerárquica enseña se traslade.
            Tells the suggested cause, and casts between             Les sugiere la causa e insinúa
            Ambiguous words and jealousies. to sound
                                                                     Palabra ambigua, celos que tanteen
            Or taint  integrity.  But all obeyed
                                                                     O manchen  la honradez.  Mas todos siguen
            The wonted signal and superior voice                     La señal conocida y voz suprema
            Of their great  Potentate: for great  indeed             De su gran potentado: pues mu\  grande
            His ñame, and high  was his degree in  Heaven:          Su  nombre era en el Ciclo y su  poder.
            His count'nance. as the morning-star that guides        Su rostro, cual lucero que conduce
            The starrv flock. allured them. and with  lies           Las estrellas, los tienta y con  mentiras
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