Page 163 - El paraiso perdido
P. 163
Good oui of evil create-instead Crear el bien del mal -muy al reves
Of Spirits malign. a better race to bring Del maligno- trayendo mejor raza
Into iheir vacant room. and thence difluse 190 A su lugar vacío y difundir
His good to worlds and ages infinite. El bien por mundos y épocas sin fin.
‘So sang the hierarchies. Meanwhile the Son Asi cantan los Angeles. El Hijo
On his great expedition now appeared. Para su gran campaña se presenta
Girt with omnipotente, with radiance crowned Ceñido de poder y con radiante
Of majesty divine, sapience and love Divina majestad, saber y amor
Immense: and all his Father in him shone. Inmenso: todo el padre brilla en Él.
About his chariot numbcrless were poured Sobre el carro volaban incontables
Cherub and Seraph. Potentates and Thrones. Querubes. Serafines. Potestades
And Virtues, winged Spirits. and chariots winged Y Virtudes aladas y los carros
From the armoury of God. whcre stand of oíd 200 Del divino arsenal que hay desde antiguo
Myriads. between two brazcn mountains lodged Por miles entre dos montes de bronce
Against a solemn day, harnessed at hand. Para días solemnes enganchados
Celestial equipage: and now carne forth Con celeste equipaje: ahora salen
Spontaneous. for within them Spirit lived. Por si mismos, llevados del espíritu
Attendant on their Lord. Heaven opened wide Que sirve a su Señor. Abren los Cielos
Her ever-during gates. harmoniuos sound Sus puertas armoniosas, eternales
On golden hinges moving. to leí forth Sobre quicios de oro. dando paso
The Ring of Glory. in his powerful Word Al Rey del Cielo, a su Palabra fuerte
And Spirit coming to create new worlds. Y Espíritu que crea nuevos mundos
On heavenly ground they stood. and from the shore 210 Sobre el plano celeste y desde el borde
They viewed the vast immeasurable abyss. Contemplan el inmenso, vasto abismo
Outrageous as a sea. dark. wasteful. wild. Como un mar destructor, oscuro y fiero
Up from the bottom turned by furious winds Revuelto por furiosos vendavales
And surging waves. as mountains to assault Con olas cual montañas al ataque
Heaven's height. and with the centre mix the pole. Del Cielo, levantadas sobre el polo.
'“Silence. ye troubled waves, and. thou deep. peace!" “¡Silencio ola revuelta! ¡Abismo calla!"
Said then th" omnific Word: "you discord end!" Dice el Verbo. “¡Esc cisma terminad!"
Ñor stayed. but. on the wings of Cherubim Y marcha sobre plumas de Querubes
Uplifted. in paternal glory' rodé Levantado: en la gloria va del Padre
Far into Chaos and the World unborn; 220 Hacia el Caos y el mundo no nacido
For Chaos heard his voice. Him all his train Pues el Caos le escucha. Su cortejo
Followed in bright procession. to behold Le sigue en procesión por contemplar
Creation. and the wonders of his might. Su asombroso poder de creación.
Then stayed the fervid wheels, and in his hand Las ruedas se detienen. Con su mano
He took the golden compasses, prepared Cogió el compás de oro preparado
In God’s eternal store, to circumscribe En divino taller para medir
This Universe. and all created things. Este Cosmos y todo lo creado.