Page 183 - El paraiso perdido
P. 183

PARADISE  LOST                                           LIBRO  VIII
             Kncw  nol.  lo speak  I  tricd. and Ibrthwiih spake:     l o ignoraba.  Yo quise hablar \  hable:
             Mv  longuc obcycd. and rcad¡I>  could  ñame.             Mi  lengua obedeció v  pude nombrar
             Whatc'er I  saw. “Thou Sun." said  I. “fair light.       Cada cosa: "Tú Sol", dije. “Lu/ bella"
             And ihou enlightcned Earlh. so l'rcsh and gay.           "Tú Tierra iluminada, alegre > fresca.

             Ye hills and dales,  ye rivers. woods. and plains.       (\ihnas. valles ríos, bosques, llanos.
             And  ye thal live and  move.  fair creatures. tell.      Hermosas creaturas que os movéis.
             Tell. il'ye saw. how carne  I  thus. how  herc?          Decidme, si sabéis, como yo vine:
             Not of myself: hy some greal  Maker ihen.                No fui yo. sino Alguien quien  me hi/o
             In goodncss and  in power pre-eminent.                   En  bondad v  poder muv  eminente-
             Tell  me.  how may  I  know him. how adore.   280        ¿Cómo puedo adorarle y conocerle?
             From whom  I  have that thus I  move and Uve.            Por El  yo vivo asi  y asi  me muevo
             And feel  that  I am  happier than  I  know?"            Y  soy  yo mas feliz que lo que pienso."
             While thus I called. and strayed  I  knew not whither.   Hablando asi  me iba desviando
             From where I  First drew air. and  First beheld          De donde respiré v  de donde vi
             This happv light. when answer nonc returned.             La luz feliz.  Al  no tener respuesta.
             ()n a grecn shady hank. protuse of tlovvers              En  verde, umbría, orilla, con  mil  llores
             Pensive  I st  me down. There gentle sleep               Me senté pensativo.  Un suave sueño
             First  found  me. and with soft oppression seized        Me entró por vez primera poseyendo
             Mv drowsed sense. untrouhled. though  I  thought         Tranquilo mis sentidos.  Yo creía
             I  then was passing to my former State   290            Que volvía a mi estado primitivo
             Insensible, and  forthwith to dissol ve:                 Insensible y. después, a disolverme:
             When suddenly  stood at  my head a dream.                De pronto un sueño vino a  mi cabeza
             Whose inward apparition gently moved                    C'uva interior imagen persuadía
             My faney to believe I  yet had being.                   A  mi  imaginación que yo aun vivía.
             And li ved.  One carne,  methought. of shape divine.    Con divina apariencia alguien llego
             And said. “Thy mansión wants thee. Adam: rise.          Y dijo: "Adán,  tu casa espera. Surge
             First  Man. of trien  innumerable ordained              Primer hombre, de innumerables hombres
             First lather! called by thee.  I come thy guide         Primer Padre:  Llamaste. Soy tu guia
             To the garden of bliss. thy seat prepared."             Al jardín del placer que ya le espera."
             So saying. bv the hand he took  me. raised.   300       Me cogió de la  mano, levantóme
             And over fields and waters. as in air                   Y  por campos, por aguas, por el aire.
             Smooth sliding without step. last led  me up            Resbalando, sin pasos,  me condujo
             A woody mountain. whose high top was plain.             A  un  monte umbrío con  la cima llana.
             A circuit wide. enclosed. with goodliest trees          Amplio cerco con arboles magníficos
             Planted, with walks. and bowers. that what  I saw       Caminos y enramadas.  Lo que viera
             Of Earth before scarce pleasant seemed. Each tree       Antes de eso era menos: Arboledas
             Loaden with  fairest fruit. that hung to the eye        De bellísimo fruto ante los ojos
             Tempting. stirred in  me sudden appetite                Tentaban excitando el apetito
             To pluck and eat; whereat I  waked. and found           A coger y comer.  Ví al despertar
             Before mine eyes all real, as the dream   310           que todo era real como aquel sueño
             Had lively shadowed.  Here had new begun                Vivamente mostró.  Reiniciaria
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