Page 187 - El paraiso perdido
P. 187

PARADISE  LOST                                           UBRO  VIII
            Thus I cmboldened spakc. and frcedom used                Asi  hable con audacia y  libremente.
            Permissive. and acceptance found. which gained           Permitido, aceptado y  recibiendo
            This answer from  the gracious Voice Divine:-            Tal respuesta de la Divina voz:
              “Thus far to try  thce. Adam.  I  was plcascd.         "Hasta aquí  me ha placido.  Adan.  probarle
            And  l'ind thce knowing not of beasts alone.             Y veo que conoces bien  las bestias
            Which thou hast rightly  named. bul of thyself-          \ las que bien nombraste, y  a ti  mismo.
            Expressing well the spirit within  thee free.   440      Mostrando el libre espíritu que tienes.
            My image. not  imparted to the brute:                    Que es mi imagen  y  no se da a los brutos:
            Whosc fellowship. therefore. unmeet  for thee.           Por ello no te va su compañía.
            Good reason was thou  freeIy shouldst dislike.           Con ra/on los rechazas libremente
            And be so minded still:  I. ere thou spak'st.            Y  piensas aun asi.  Yo. antes que hablaras.
            Knew it not good for Man to be alone.                    Sabia que no es bueno que estes solo.
            And  no such company  as then  thou saw'st               Compañero no hallaste a nadie entonces
            Intended  thee-for trial ónix  brought.                  Que fuera como tu  f ue solo prueba
            To see how  thou couldst judge of fit and  mect.         Para  ver si juzgabas bien  lo digno.
            What  next  I  bring shall picase thee. be assured.      Lo que ahora traeré te placera:
            Thv likeness. thy fit help. thy other self.   450        Tu  imagen  y  tu ayuda y  tu otro yo.
            Thy wish exactly to thy heart's desire."                 El exacto deseo de tu alma."
              'He ended. or I  heard  no more: for now               Termino y  no oí mas. porque ya entonces
            My earthly. by  his heavenly overpowered.                Mi ser arrebatado por el suyo.
            Which it had  long stood under. strained to the height   Pues tanto me esforcé en aquella altura
            In  that celestial colloquy  sublime.                    De sublime coloquio celestial.
            As with an object that excels the sense.                 Superado el sentido por completo.
            Dazzled and spent. sunk down. and sought repair          Deslumbrado,  me hundí, busque reparo
            Of sleep. which instantly fell on  me. called            En sueño repentino que me entro
            By  Nature as in aid. and dosed mine eyes.               Natural y  cerre estos ojos míos.
            Mine eyes he dosed.  but open left the cell   460        Él mis ojos cerró, dejando abierta
            Of fanev. my  internal sight: by  which.                 La visión interior,  la fantasía
            Abstract as in a trance,  methought  I saw.              Y  pensé que veía, como en trance.
            Though sleeping. where 1la>. and saw the Shape           Dormido y  en el suelo, vi a la  Forma

            Still glorious before whoni awake I  stood:              Gloriosa ante la cual  yo estaba atento.
            Who. stooping. opened my  left side. and took            Se inclinó, abrió nn costado y  me sacó
            From  (henee a  rib. with cordial spirits warm.          Una costilla cálida de espíritu
            And life-blood streaming fresh: wide was the wound.      Que chorreaba sangre. Gran  herida
            But suddenly  with  llesh  fillcd up and healed.         Que se llena y  se cura de repente.
            The rib he formed and fashioned with  his hands:         Con sus manos modela la costilla:
            Under his forming hands'a creature grew.   470           Surgió una creatura de entre ellas.
            Manlike. but different sex. so lovely fair               Humana, de otro sexo, tan  hermosa
            That what seemed fair in all the world seemed now        Que lo hermoso de antes parecía
            Mean, or in  her summed up.  in  her contained.          Sin  valor o en su forma contenido.
            And  in her looks. which from  that time infused         Y en su aspecto que entonces ya infundía
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