Page 204 - El paraiso perdido
P. 204

PARADISE LOST                                          LIBRO  IX

        *With thy permission. then. and thus forcwarned.         "Asi es que con tu venia y precavida
        Chiefly by what thy own last reasoning words             Más por lo que. al linal. con  tu razón
        Touched only. that our trial. when least sought.   380   Tocaste: que la  prueba no buscaba
        May fmd  us both perhaps far lcss prepared,              Nos encuentre, tal  vez.  menos dispuestos.
        The willinger I go. ñor much expect                      Me voy más decidida.  Y  no es que espere
        A  foe so proud will  first the weaker seek:             Que el Soberbio comience por la débil:
        So bent. the  more shall shame him  his repulse.         Repelido, será  más su  vergüenza."
          Thus saying.  from her husband's hand  her hand        Su mano de la  mano de su esposo
        Soft she withdrew. and  like a wood-nymph  light.        Separó suavemente,  y como ninfa
        Oread or Dryad. or of Delia's train.                     O driada del séquito de  Delia
        Betook her to the groves. but  Delia's self              A los bosques se fue. A  la  misma Delia
        In gait surpassed and goddes-like deport.                Con su  porte de diosa superaba
        Though  not as she with bow and quiver armed.   390      Aunque fuera sin arco ni carcaj
        But with such gardening tools as Art, yet rude.          Sólo con primitivas herramientas
        Guiltless of fire had  formed. or Angels brought.        Hechas sin fuego, o don de santos angeles.
        To Pales, or Pomona. thus adorned.                       Cual  Palas o Pomona. asi adornada
        Likest she seemed  -  Pomona when she tled               Parecía: a Pomona cuando huía
        Vertumnus -  or to Ceres in her prime                    De  Vertumno, o a Ceres juvenil
        Yet virgin of Proserpina from Jove.                      Cuando aún  no ha engendrado a  Propersina
        Her long with ardent look  his eye pursued               La  mirada de Adán  la sigue ardiente
        Delighted. but dcsiring more her stav.                   Deleitado, con ansias que se quede.
        Oft he to her his charge of quick return                 Muchas veces su  rápido regreso
        Repeated; she to him as oft engaged   400                Repitió y ella a él.  las mismas veces.
        To be returned by  noon amid the bower.                  Que vuelva a la enramada a  mediodía
        And all things in best order to invite                   Y el buen orden de todo invitará
        Noontide repast. or afternoon’s repose.                  Al almuerzo y reposo posterior.
        O much deceivcd.  much  failing.  hapless Eve.           ¡Ay Eva desgraciada y engañada
        Of thy presumed return! event perverse!                 Con jactado retorno!  ¡Mal asunto!
        Thou never from  that hour in  Paradisc                  Jamás desde esta hora en el  Edén
        Found’st either sweet repast or sound repose:            Hallaste dulce fruto o sueño en pa/:
        Such amhush.  hid among sweet flowers and shades.        Entre flores y sombras la emboscada
        Waited. with hellish rancour iinminent.                 Con  rencor infernal aguarda ya
        To intercept thy way, or send thee back   410           A cruzarse en tu senda y  devolverte
        Despoiled of innocence. of faith, of bliss.             Sin  tu  fe. sin pureza y sin tu gozo
        For now. and since first break of dawn. the Fiend.       Pues ya desde la aurora el  Enemigo.
        Mere serpent in appcarance.  forth was come.            Serpiente en apariencia, salió fuera
        And on  his quest where likeliest  he might find         Buscando donde hallar más fácilmente____ -
        The only two of mankind. but  in them                   A los solos humanos, aunque en ellos
        The whole included race,  his purposed  prey.           La raza entera, presa que pretende:
        In  bower and  field  he sought. where any tuft         Por campos, enramadas, por palmeras.
       Of grove or garden-plot more pleasant lay.               Por bosques o jardines agradables.
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