Page 242 - El paraiso perdido
P. 242
On me. as on their natural centre, light 740 Hacia mi como a centro natural
Heavy. though in their place. O lleetingjoys Pesados, aunque exactos. Fugaz Gozo
Of Paradise. dear bought with lasting woes! De un Edén que compré con llanto eterno!
Did I request thee. Maker. from my clay ¿Te pedí. Creador, que de mi barro
To mould me Man? Did 1solicit thee Me formaras? ¿De ti solicité
From darkness to promote me. or herc place Que de la oscuridad me condujeras
In this delicious garden? As my will Al Jardín delicioso? Mi deseo
Concurred not to my being. it were but right No concurrió a mi ser. sería justo
And equal to reduce me to my dust. Que Tú me redujeras a mi polvo
Desirous to resign and render back Pues quiero renunciar y devolver
All I received. unable to perfom 750 Lo que ya recibí, pues no he cumplido
Thy terms too hard. bv which I was to hold Tus términos: debí de haber guardado
The good I sought not. To the loss of that, El bien que no busque. Ya lo perdido
Sufficient penalty, why hast thou added Es pena suficiente. ¿Porqué añades
The sense of endless woes? Inexplicable Sentir un mal sin fin? Inexplicable
Thy justice seems. Yet. to say truth. too late Parece tu justicia. Pero tarde
I thus contest; then should have been refused Protesto. Debería haber negado
Those terms. whatever, when they were proposed. Los términos al serme presentados.
Thou didst accept them; wilt thou enjoy the good. Los acepté. ¿Quiero gozar el bien
Then cavil the conditions? And. though God Y cavilar después las condiciones?
Made thee without thy leave, what if thy son 780 Me hicieron sin mi venia. Si mi hijo
Prove disobedient. and. reproved. retort, Negara la obediencia y contestara
"Wherefore didst thou beget me? I sought it not!" “¿Porqué me has engendrado? ¡Yo no quise!
Wouldst thou admit for his contempt of thee Tal desprecio de mí ¿lo aceptaría
That proud excuse? yet him not thy election. Como excusa? Y no lo elegí yo,
But natural necessity. begot. Fue el instinto la causa de engendrarlo.
God made thee of choice his own. and of his own A mí Dios me eligió como algo suyo.
To serve him; thy reward was of his grace; A servirle. Mi premio era su gracia.
Thy punishment. then. justlv is at his will. Con razón mi castigo está en su mano.
Be it so. for I submit; his doom is fair. Me someto. Correcto es su castigo:
That dust I am. and shall to dust return. 770 Pues soy polvo, que al polvo yo retorne!
O welcome hour whenever! Why delays ¡Hora siempre bendita. ¿Porqué frena
His hand to execute what his decree Su mano y no ejecuta su decreto
Fixed on this day? Why do I overlive? Ahora mismo? ¿Porque yo sobrevivo?
Why am I mocked with death. and lengthened out ¡La muerte me hace burla!¡Se me alarga
To deathless pain? How gladly would 1 meet Un dolor inmortal! Me gustaría
Mortality. my sentence. and be earth Morir, que es mi sentencia, y ser ya tierra
Insensible! how glad would lay me down Insensible. A gusto me echaría
As in my mother’s lap! There I should rest En el seno materno a descansar
And sleep secure; his dreadful voice no more Y dormir. Su terrible voz ya no.
Would thunder in my ears; no fear of worse 780 Sonaría, ni el miedo de algo peor