Page 25 - El paraiso perdido
P. 25

PARADISE  LOST                                          LIBRO  I
             God their Creator, and th’invisible                     A Dios su creador y la invisible
             Glory of him that made them to transform   370          Gloria de quien los hizo transformar
             Oft to the image of a brute. adomed                     En figura de bestia engalanada
             With gay religions ful! of pomp and gold.               Con religión de oros y de pompas
             And devils to adore for deities:                        Adorando a demonios como a dioses:
             Then were they known to men by various ñames.           Entonces se les dieron varios nombres.
             And various idols through the heathen world.            Los paganos les dieron varios ídolos;
             Say, Muse, their ñames then known, who first, who last.   Esos nombres di. Musa, por el orden
             Roused from the slumber on that fiery couch,            Que salieron del sueño y lecho ardiente
             At their great Emperor’s cali, as next in worth         A la voz del gran Jefe y, por su rango.
             Carne singly where he stood on the bare strand.         De marchar uno a uno hacia Satán
             While the promiscuous crowd stood yet aloof,   380      Quedándose las tropas a distancia:
             The chief were those who, from the pit of Hell          Primero quien del pozo del Infierno
             Roaming to seek their prey on Earth, durst fix          Vagó tras presa humana, colocando
             Their seats, lóng after, next the seat of God,          junto al templo de Dios, después, su templo.
             Their altars by his altar, gods adored                  Su altar junto al de Dios, siendo adorado
             Among the nations round, and durst abide                Por naciones vecinas, resistiendo
             Jehovah thund'ring out of Sion, throned                 Contra el Dios de Sión que lanza truenos
             Between the Cherubim; yea, often placed                 Ceñido de querubes: y asentó
             Within his sanctuary itself their shrines,              Su capilla en el mismo Santuario
             Abominations; and with cursed things                    ¡Qué vileza!, y con ritos maldecidos
             His holy rites and solemn feats profaned.   390         Profanaba la fiesta y rito santos
             And with their darkness durst affront his light.        Hostigando la luz con sus tinieblas:
             First, Moloch.  horrid king, besmeared with blood       Moloch. terrible rey, manchado en sangre
             Of human sacrifice, and parents' tears;                 De humanos sacrificios y de llanto
             Though, for the noise of drums and timbréis loud.       Paterno, aunque el tambor y los timbales
             Their children’s cries unheard that passed through fire   Callaban a los hijos en el fuego
             To his grim  idol.  Him the Ammonite                    Del ídolo cruel.  Los amonitas
             Worshipped in  Rabba and her watery plain,              Lo honraban en Rabá y en su llanura.
             In Argob and in  Basan, to the stream                   En Argob, en  Basán y hasta el arroyo
            Of utmost Amon.  Ñor content with such                   Del Amón alejado; no contento
            Audacious neighbourhood, the wiset heart   400           Con su audaz vecindad, el corazón
            Of Solomon he led by fraud to build                      Fascinó a Salomón para que hiciera
             His temple right against the temple of God              Su templo justo enfrente del de Dios
            On that opprobrious hill, and made his grove             En esa vil colina y fue su bosque
            The pleasant valley of Hinnom, Tophet thence             El agradable Hinnón, Tofet por ello
            And black Gehenna called, the type of Hell.              LLamado y negro Gehena cual Infierno.
            Next Chemos, th’obscene dread of Moab’s sons,            Luego Chemos, terror de moabitas,
            From Aroer to Nebo and the wild                          De Nebo hasta Aroer y en el desierto
            Of southmost Abarim; in  Hesebon                         De Abarim muy al sur. En  Resebón
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