Page 260 - El paraiso perdido
P. 260
To weary him with my assiduous cries: En cansarlo con gritos repetidos
But prayer againsi his absoluto decree 310 Pero rogar en contra de su ley
No more avails than breath against the wind. Es menos que soplar contra los vientos
Blown stifling back on him that breathes it forth: Que sofocan a quien está soplando:
Therefore to his grcat bidding I submit. Por tanto, me someto a su mandato.
This most afilias me-ihat. departing henee. Lo que me aflige mas es que al marcharnos
As from his lace I shall be hid. deprived Se me oculta su rostro y se me quita
His blessed count'nance: here I could frequent. Su mirada bendita. Aquí yo iría
With worship. place by place where he vouchsafed Venerando los sitios en que quiso
Presence Divine, and to my sons relate. Mostrarse, relatándolo a mis hijos:
“On this mount he appeared: under this trcc 320 En tal monte lo vi: bajo este árbol
Stood visible: among these pines his voice Apareció: su voz en estos pinos
I heard: here with him at this fountain talked.” Escuché: en esta fuente hablé con El.
So many grateful altars I would rear Y. agradecido, haría allí un altar
Of grassy turf, and pile up every stone Con yerba, amontanando toda piedra
Of lustre from the brook. in memon Brillante del arroyo: en recuerdo.
Or monument to ages, and thereon Monumento de siglos. Allí encima
OfTer sweet-smelling gums. and fruits. and flowers. Ofrecería aromas, frutos, flores.
In yonder nether world where shall I seek En el mundo inferior ¿dónde buscar
His bright appearances of footstep trace? Su aparición brillante y sus pisadas?
For. though I fled him angry. yet. recalled 330 Pues aunque le ofendí, volvió a llamarme
To life prolonged and promised race. I now A la vida y a raza prometida
Gladly behold though but his utmost skirts Por eso yo me gozo en ver de lejos
Of glory. and far olí his stops adore. Su gloria, en adorar sus pies lejanos.”
To whom thus Michael. with regard benign:- Al cual. Miguel con ojos bondadosos:
*Adam. thou Heaven his. and all the Earth. “El Cielo es suyo, Adán, la Tierra es suya
Not this rock only: his omnipresencc lilis Además de esta roca. El llena todo:
Land. sea. and air. and every kind that lives. Tierra, aire y mar y todo lo que vive
Fomented by his virtual power and warmed. Se calienta y se guarda en su virtud.
All th' Earth he gave thee to possess and rule. Te dió toda la Tierra en posesión.
No despicable gift: surniise not. then. 340 Un don no despreciable. No te creas
His presence to these narrow bounds confined Que Él está limitado a estos confines
Of Paradise or Edén: this had been Del Edén, que tal vez hubiera sido
Perhaps thv capital seat. from whcnce had spread Tu lugar principal, del que saldría
All generations. and had hither come. Toda generación para volver
From all the ends of th' Earth. to celébrate Del confín de la Tierra a celebrar
And reverence thee their grcat progenitor. Con reverencia a ti el Progenitor.
But this pre-eminence thou hast lost. brought down Pero tal preminencia la has perdido:
To dwell on even ground now with thv sons: Vivirás al nivel de tu progenie,
N'et doubt not but in valley and in plain mas no dudes que en valles y llanuras
God is as here. and will be found alikc 350 Encontrarás a Dios igual que aquí