Page 266 - El paraiso perdido
P. 266

                                                                         LIBRO  XI
        He looked. and saw a spacious plain. whereon
                                                               Miró y vió un amplio campo, sobre el cual
      Were tents of various hue: hy some were herds
                                                               Hay tiendas de colores y rebaños
      Of cattle grazing: others whence the sound
                                                              Comiendo.  En otro lado suena música
      Of instruments thal  made melodious chime
                                                               De instrumentos de ritmo melodioso.
      Was heard. of harp and organ: and who moved   560
                                                              El órgano y el arpa. Quien  pulsaba
      Their stops and chords was seen:  his volant touch.
                                                               Las cuerdas y los topes, las tocaba
      Instinct  through all proportions low and high.
                                                              Con armónico instinto: altos y bajos
      Fled and pursued transverse the resonant  fugue.
                                                              Persiguiendo una fuga resonante.
      In other part stood one who. at  the forge
                                                              En otro lado está quien en la fragua
      Labouring. two massv clods of iron and  brass
                                                              Trabajando, derrite bronce y hierro
      had  melted (whether found where casual fire
                                                              Y  los funde (tal  vez los encontró
      Had wasted woods. on mountain or in vale,
                                                              Porque un  bosque hecho fuego en  monte o valle
      Down to the veins of earth. thence gliding hot
                                                              Fue por venas profundas resbalando
      To some cave's mouth. or whether washed by stream
                                                              A  una cueva. O en agua los halló
      From  underground); the liquid ore he drained   570
                                                              Subterránea.  Poma aquella ganga
      Into fit  moulds prepared: from which he formed
                                                              En  moldes preaprados y formaba
      First his own tools. then what might else be wrought
                                                              Sus propias herramientas y otras cosas
      Fusil or graven  in  metal. After these.
                                                              Fundidas o talladas en  metal.
      But on  the hither side. a different sort
                                                              Por el lado de acá distintos hombres
      From  the high neighbouring hills. which was their seat.
                                                              Que habitaban  las lomas circundantes
      Down  to the plain descended:  by their guise
                                                              Descendían al llano.  Por su aspecto
     Just men they seemed. and all  their study bent
                                                              Parecen hombres justos, preocupados
      To worship God aright. and  know  his works
                                                              Por venerar a Dios y conocerlo
      Not hid: ñor those things last which  might  preserve
                                                              Y  todo lo que pueda procurar
      Freedom and peace to men: they on the plain   580       La paz entre los hombres. Sobre el  llano
      Long had  not walked. when from the tenis behold
                                                              Andaban, cuando salen de las tiendas
      A bevy of fair women. richly gay
                                                              Bellas hembras con ricos atavíos
      In gems and wanton dress: to the harp they sung
                                                              De gemas y vestidos, entonando
     Soft amorous dittics. and in dance carne on:
                                                              Canciones amorosas y danzando.
     The men. though grave, eyed  them. and let their eyes
                                                              Los hombres, aunque graves, las contemplan
      Rove without rein.  lili, in  the amorous net
                                                              Sin control  y en las redes del amor
     Fast caught.  they liked. and each  his liking chose:
                                                              Atrapados, eligen a su antojo
     And now of love they treat. till th' evening-star.
                                                              Y conversan de amor hasta que Venus
     Love's harbinger. appeared: then. all  in  heat.
                                                              Aparece.  Enseguida, apasionados
     They light  the nuptial torch.  and  bid  invoke   590
                                                              Encienden  nupcial fuego e invocando
     Hymen. then  fírst  to marriage rites invoked:
                                                              A  Hymen se entregaron a sus ritos:
     With  feast and music all the tents resound.
                                                              Se escucha alegre música en  las tiendas.
     Such happv  interview, and fair event                    La feliz reunión, el bello encuentro
     Of love and youth  not lost. songs. garlands. flowers.
                                                              Del amor no perdido, cantos,  llores
     And charming symphonies. attaehed the heart
                                                              Y sinfonía atraen el corazón
     Of Adam. soon inclined to admit delight.
                                                              De Adán,  pronto inclinado a los deleites.
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