Page 282 - El paraiso perdido
P. 282

                                                                         LIBRO  XII
     Shall tremble. he descending. will himself.
     In thunder. lightning. and loud trumpet s sound.         Temblará, descendiendo el  mismo Dios
     Ordain them laws-part. such as appertain   230           Con relámpagos, truenos y trompetas:

     To civil .iustice: pan.  religious ntes         dará leyes: partes referidas
     Of sacrifice. informing them. by types                   A justicia civil, parte a los ritos
     And shadows. of that destined Seed to bruise             De víctimas, y. en tipos,  informándoles
     The Serpent.  by what means he shall achieve             Y en sombras, de aquel hijo que herirá
     Mankind’s deliverance.  But the voice of God             A la sierpe y por que medios logrará
      To mortal ear is dreadful: they beseech                 Librar al hombre: mas la voz de  Dios
     That  Moses might report to them  his will.              Es terrible de oir y ellos le piden
      And terror cease: he grants what they  besought.        Que les diga Moisés su voluntad
      Instructed that to God is no aecess                     Y cesen los temores.  Dios accede
      Without  Mediator. whose high office now   240          1' entienden que hasta Dios nadie se acerca
      Moses in  figure bears. to introduce                    Sin  mediador, cuyo alto oficio ahora
      One greater. of w hose day  he shall foretell.          Moisés hace en figura y representa
      And all the Prophets. in their age. the times           A otro superior del que hablará:
      Ofgreat  Messiah shall sing. Thus laws and  rites       Y todos los profetas a su vez
      Established. such delight halh God in  men              Cantarán al Mesías.  Ley y rito
      Obedient to his will. that he vouchsafes                Se establecen y  Dios se goza en hombres
      Among them to set  up his tabernacle-                   Obedientes, de modo que concede
      The Holy  One with mortal  men to dwell:                 Poner su tabernáculo entre ellos
      By  his prescript a sanctuary  is framed                 Para que viva el Santo con los hombres:
      Ofcedar. overlaid with gold: therein   250              Con sus normas fabrican el Santuario
      •\n ark. and  in the ark  his testimony.                 De cedro y de oro. Dentro de él
      The records of his cov'nant: over thesc                 Un arca y en el arca el testimonio
      A  merey-seat of gold. between the w ings               Que informa su alianza.  Por encima
      Oftwo bright Cherubim: before him  burn                  Un trono de piedad entre las alas
      Se\en  lamps. as in a zodiac representing                De brillantes querubes. Ante él arden
      The heavenly  tires: over the tent a cloud              Siete luces: zodiaco y figura
      Shall  rest  by  day. a  liery  gleam by  night.         De estrellas. Por encima hay una nube
      Save when they journey. and at length  they come.        De día y una llama por la noche
      Conducted by  his  Angel, to the land                    Excepto cuando viajan. Al  fin llegan
      Promised to Abraham and his seed: the rest   260        Guiado por su Ángel a la tierra
      Were long to tell-how  many  battlcs fought.             Prometida a Abrahán y su  progenie.
      How  many  kings destroyed. and  kingdoms won;           Lo demás es muy largo: las batallas.
      Or how  the sun shall  in  mid-heaven stand still        Los reyes y los reinos conquistados.
      A day  entire, and  night's due course adjourn.          El sol que se detiene en todo el cielo
      Man s \oice commanding. "Sun: in Gibeon stand.           A la voz: “En Gibbón detente. Sol
      And thou.  Moon  in the vale of Ajalon.                  V tú.  Luna, en el  valle de Ajalón
      I ill  Israel overeóme!" -so cali  the third             Y vencerá Israel: es el tercero
      from  abraham. son of Isaac, and from  him               De  Abrahán e Isaac y quien da el nombre
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