Page 286 - El paraiso perdido
P. 286
Disabled not to give thec thy death's wound: Pero que puede darte mortal golpe
Which he who comes thy Saviour shall recure. Del cual tu Salvador te curará
Not by destroying Satan,. but his works No aplastando a Satan sino a sus obras
In thee and in thy seed: ñor can this be. En tí y en tu simiente: y será así
But by fulfilling that which thou didst want. Cumpliendo lo que a tí te faltó mucho:
Obedience to the law of God. ¡mposed La obediencia a la ley de Dios impuesta
On penalty ofdeath. and sutTering death, Bajo pena de muerte. Y El murió.
The penalty to thy transgression due. La pena que se debe a tu pecado
And due to theirs which out of thine will grow: 400 Y a aquellos que del tuyo nacerán:
So only can high justice rest appaid. Asi sólo se paga la justicia.
The law of God exact he shall fulfil El cumplirá la ley de Dios exacta
Both by obedience and by love. though love Por amor y obediencia aunque el amor
Alone fulfil the Law; thy punishmcnt Solo cumple la ley. Tu penitencia
He shall endure, by coming in the flesh Sufrirá El recibiendo en si la carne
To a reproachful life and cursed death. Reprobada y la muerte maldecida
Proclaiming life to all who shall believe Anunciando la vida a quienes crean
In his redemption. and that his obedience Que El redime y que la obediencia suya
Imputed bccomes theirs by faith-his merits Por fe se les imputa y que sus méritos
To save them. not their own. though legal, works. 410 Les salvan, no lo que hagan por la ley.
For this he shall live hated. be blasphemed. Por ello será odiado, blasfemado,
Sei/.ed on by forcé, judged and to death condemned Apresado, juzgado, condenado
A shameful and accurs'd. nailed to the cross A muerte vergonzosa en una cruz
By his own nation. slain for bringing life; Por su nación a la que da la vida.
But to the cross he nails thy enemies- Pero El clava en la cruz a tus contrarios
The Law that is against thee. and the sins -La ley que te condena y los pecados
Of all mankind. with him there crucillcd. De los hombres- consigo crucifica
Never to hurt them more who rightlv trust Para que nunca dañen a quien cree
In this his satisfaction; so he dies. En su satisfacción. Él muere así
But soon revives; Death over him no power 420 Y resurge: la muerte no le oprime
Shall long usurp; ere the third dawning light Largo tiempo. Al llegar el tercer día
Return. the stars of morn shall see him rise estrellas observan que resurge
Out of his grave, fresh as the dawning light. De su tumba cual luz de amanecer
Thy rasom paid. which Man from Death redeems- Redimiendo a los hombres de la muerte:
His death for Man. as many as offered life Su muerte que es la vida de los hombres
Neglect not. and the benefit embrace No desprecies y abraza el beneficio
By faith not void of works. This godlikc act No por obras: por fe. La acción divina
Annuls thy doom. the death thou shouldst have died. Anula tu condena y esa muerte
In sin for cver lost from life; this act Que anulaba tu vida. Tal acción
Shall bruise the head of Satan. crush his strength. 430 Aplasta la cabeza a Satanás
Defeating Sin and Death. his two main arms. Y derrota sus fuerzas: muerte y culpa
And fix far deeper in his head their stings Y ahonda su aguijón en su cabeza