Page 53 - El paraiso perdido
P. 53

PARADISE  I.OST                                          I.IBRO  II

             Distinguishable ¡n  membcr. joint. or limb:              Distinguible en sus miembros o junturas
             Or substance might be callcd that shadow  scemed.        O sustancia la que es como una sombra
             For each secmed cither-black it siood as Night.   670    Pues a ambas se parece:  Negra  Noche
             Fierce as ten  Funes, terrible as Hell.                  Fiera como die/  furias, infernal.
             And shook a dreadful dan:  what seemed his head          Blandía un dardo horrible, en su cabe/a
             The likeness of a kingly crown had on.                   Parecía llevar regia corona.
             Satan  was now  at hand. and from  his seat             Salan xa esta a su  lado. De su asiento
             The monster moxing. onward carne as fast                 El  monstruo se adelanta a toda prisa
             With  horrid strides: Hell  trembled as he strodc.      Con  hórridas /aneadas. Tiembla el  piso.
             Th'undaunted Fiend what this might be admired-           El Adversario, impávido, se admira.
             Admired. not feared: God and his Son except.            Se admira,  no se asusta:  A  Dios x  al  Hijo.
            Created thing naught valued  he ñor shunned:              Y  no a cosa creada, estima o teme
             And with disdainful  look  thus first began:-   680     Con ojos desdeñosos empezó:
               Whence and what art thou. execrable Shape.            “¿Qué > de dónde eres tu.  forma execrable

            That dar'st.  though grim and terrible, advance          Que. aunque horrenda, te atreves a poner
            Thy miscreated front athwart  mv  way                    Tu  frente a medio hacer en  mi camino
            To vonder gates? Through them  I  mean to pass.          A esas rejas? Yo piense» atravesarlas
            That be assured. without leave asked of thee.            Sin  pedirte permiso, por supuesto.
             Retire: or taste thy folly. and  learn  by proof.       Aparta o prueba v  gusta en tu  locura
             Hell-born.  not lo conted with Spirits of Heaven!       Infernal, a evitar a los celestes."
               To whom  the Goblin. full of wrath. replied:-         El  trasgo le replica furibundo
            ’Art thou that  Traitor-Angel. an thou  he.              "¿Eres tu el Traidor-Angel, eres el.
            Who first broke peace in  Heaven and  faith. till then 690   Que la celeste paz quebró x  la fe
            Unbroken. and  in  proud rebellious arms                 No quebrada v. con armas de rebelde.
            Drew  after him  the third  pan of Heaven's sons.        Un tercio de los Cielos arrastro.
            Conjured against the Highest-for which both thou         Contra Dios conjurados, x  por ello.
            And they. outeast from God. are here condemned           Apartados de Dios, estáis aquí
            To waste eternal days in woe and  pain?                  Para siempre, entre penas v  dolores?
            And  reck'n'st thou  thyself with Spirits of Heaven.     ¿Y  le llamas Espíritu Celeste.
            Hell-doomed. and  breath'st defiance here and scorn      Condenado, v  respiras desafíos.
            Where I  reign  king. and. lo enrage thee more.          Donde sos  rey  \.  para rabia tusa.
            Thy king and lord? Back to thy punishment.               Tu  Señor Soberano? Vuelve al fuego
            False fugilive: and to thy speed add wings.   700        Falso huido, a tus alas mete prisa
            Lest with a whip of scorpions I  pursue                  O yo perseguiré con escorpiones
            Thy ling'ring. or with one stroke of this dan            Tu dilación, o un golpe de este dardo
            Strange horror sei/e. thee. and pangs unfelt before!’    Te dará extraño horror x  males nuevos."
               So spake the grisly Terror, and  in  shape.           Habló el terrible  Horror v  su  figura
            So speaking and so threat'ning. grew  tenfold            Con su amena/a crecía hasta diez  veces
            More dreadful and deform. On th'other side.              Mas deforme x  horrible.  En la otra parte.
            Incensed with indignation. Satan stood                   Indignado de furia, esta Satan
            Unterrified. and  like a comet burned                    Sin  miedo > cual cometa echaba fuego
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