Page 95 - El paraiso perdido
P. 95

PARADISE  IX)ST                                         LIBRO  IV

             As liberal and free as infinite:                        Tan libre > liberal como infinito:

             That raised  us from the dust. and placed  us hcre      Nos sacó de la nada y puso aquí
             In all  this happiness. who al his hand                 Fn  tal felicidad, los que a sus ojos
             llave nothing merited.  ñor can perfom                  No merecemos nada  ni  podemos
             Aught whereof he hath need:  he who requires            Dar algo que le falte.  No requiere
             From  us no other Service ihan lo keep   420            Otro servicio nuestro que el guardar
             This one, this easy charge. of all the trees            Este fácil  mandato: de los árboles
             In  Paradise thal bear delicious fruit                  Que en este paraíso Mesan  fruto
             So various.  not to tasie that only Tree                Variado, tan sólo no probar
             Of Knowledge. planted by the Tree of Life;              Del árbol del Saber,  junto al de  Vida
             So near grows Death to Life, whate'er Dcath  is-        -Vida \  Muerte, cual sea. están  mus  cerca.
             Some dreadful thing no doubt: for well thou  know’st    Cosa horrible, sin duda,  pues va sabes
            God hath pronounced it  Death to taste that Tree:        Que a quien pruebe tal árbol.  Dios da muerte.
             The only sign of our obediente left                     Sola muestra de nuestra sumisión
             Among so many signs of power and rule                   Entre tantas señales de poder
            Conferred upon  us. and dominión given   430             Que nos son conferidas s  dominio
            Over all other creatures that possess                    Sobre todos los seres que pululan
             Earth.  Air. and Sea. Then leí  us not think  hard      Por aire, tierra s  mar.  No es cosa dura
            One easy  prohibition. who enjoy                         Tan fácil prohibición  sa que gozamos
             Free leave so large to all things else. and choice      Poderes sobre todo y elegimos
             Unlimiled of manifold delights;                         Sin limite deleites diferentes.
             But  let  us ever praise him. and extol                 Alabémosle siempre > exaltemos

             His bounty, following our delightful task.              Su bondad prosiguiendo la tarea
            To prune these growing plants. and tend these flowers:   De cuidar de los arboles \  flores:
            Which. were it  toilsome. yet with thee were sweet’.     Contigo, aunque cansara, fuera gozo."
               To whom  thus Eve replied:-‘0  thou  for whom  440    E\a asi replico:"Oh  tu por quien
            And  from whom  I  was fromed tlesh of thy flesh.        V’ de quien soy:  mi carne es carne tuya.
            And without whom am to no end.  mv guide                 Sin  tí no tengo Norte: eres mi guia
            And  head! what thou  hast said  is just and  right.     V cabeza.  Dijiste lo que es justo
            For we to him. indeed. all  praises owe.                 Porque toda alabanza le debemos
            And daily thanks-l chiefiy. who enjoy                    Y gracias cotidianas: yo ante todo
            So far the happier lot. enjoying. thee                   Que soy  la mas feliz porque te gozo
            Pre-eminent by so much odds. while thou                  A ti que me superas, pero tu
            Like consort to thyself canst nowhere lind.              Consorte igual a ti  no has encontrado.
            That day I oft remember. when  from sleep                Recuerdo bien el día en que del sueno
            I  first awaked. and found myself reposed.   450         Desperté y me encontré yo colocada
            LInder a shade. on flowers.  much wondering where        A  la sombra, entre flores,  meditando
            And what  I was. whence thither brought. and  how.       Que era yo. cuál  mi origen \  mi  historia.
            Not distant  far from thence a murmuring sound           No muy lejos el  ruido y el  murmullo
            Of waters isued  from a cave, and spread                 Del agua que brotaba se extendía
            Into a liquid plain; then siood  unmoved.                Por liquida  llanura.  Yo me alcé
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