Page 215 - BUKU PROGRAM eSEDIP2021
P. 215

Jalan Kelicap, Kepong Baru, 52100 Kuala Lumpur

          ‘Touch  Square’  merupakan  satu  inovasi  yang  berbentuk  bahan  bantu  mengajar
          (BBM) dengan mengimplementasikan aktiviti ‘hands-on’. Inovasi ini bertujuan untuk
          mengatasi masalah miskonsepsi murid tahun empat  Alpha dalam topik tuas. Hasil
          tinjauan  awal  yang  telah  saya  lakukan  menunjukkan  bahawa  murid  mengalami
          miskonsepsi  yang  nyata  tentang  konsep  tuas  di  mana  murid  tidak  boleh
          membezakan  kedudukan  yang  betul  dan  tepat  bagi  fulkrum,  beban  dan  daya.
          Pelaksanaan  inovasi  ini  melibatkan  murid  tahun  empat  di  sekolah  saya.
          Keberkesanan dan penilaian inovasi telah dilaksanakan dengan pengumpulan data
          melalui temu bual separa berstruktur. Hasil temu bual yang dilakukan secara rawak
          ke  atas  tiga  orang  murid  menunjukkan  mereka  bersetuju  100%  dengan
          penggunaan inovasi ‘touch square’ dapat membantu masalah miskonsepsi mereka
          untuk  mengingati  konsep  tuas  kelas  pertama,  tuas  kelas  kedua  dan  tuas  kelas
          ketiga. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa kaedah‘touch square’ merupakan satu kaedah
          baru  yang  dapat  membantu  murid-murid  mempelajari  topik  tuas  dengan  lebih
          seronok dan dapat memahami fakta Sains secara‘meaningful learning’.
          Kata kunci: miskonsepsi, kaedah ‘touch square’, tuas


                      SPIN – SING – SKETCH: SCIENCE IS AWESOME

                             NORAZLIN BINTI MOHD RUSDIN
                                     SK Seri Mutiara
                         Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 30010 Ipoh, Perak

          Spin  –  Sing  –  Sketch:  Science  is  Awesome  is  an  innovation  which  has  been
          created  with  purposes  to  promote  fun,  meaningful  and  effective  learning  among
          year 1 pupils in primary school. There four objectives of this innovation comprising:
          i) increase themastering of concepts and terms in Science Year 1 syllabus among
          the pupils; ii)increase the mastering of science process skill, manipulative skill and
          communicationskill  among  the  pupils;  iii)  increase  interest  and  motivation  toward
          fun  science  learning  through  games  and  language  art;  and  iv)  fostering  ICT
          knowledge at early age through the usage of QR Code in Let’s Sing and Sketch Me
          sub modules. An experimental study has been carried out  where the experiment
          group consist of 30 pupils in Year 1were involved in learning process which has
          applied  this  module.  The  other  group  consist  of  30  pupils  too  were  learning  in
          ordinary setting without using this module. Data from test of the two groups show
          that pupils in experiment group (M = 95.0) have performed better in the test given
          compare  to  pupils  in  controlled  group  (M  =  83).According  to  perception  toward
          learning science,  pupils  in  experiment  group also  showshigher  positive  responds
          compare  to  pupils  in  controlled  group.  Findings  from  questionnaire  conducted  in
          this study shows that pupils in experiment group possess higher interest in learning
          science  (M  =  4.92)  compare  to  pupils  in  controlled  group  (M  =4.16),  pupils  in
          experiment group strongly agree that learning science is fun (M = 4.96) compare to
          pupils in controlled group (M = 4.35) and pupils in experiment group admitthat they
          easily  achieved  mastery  in  learning  science  (M  =  4.90)  compare  to  pupils  in
          controlled group (M = 3.88). The results show that Spin – Sing – Sketch: Science is
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