Page 218 - BUKU PROGRAM eSEDIP2021
P. 218

          The issue of English grammar in preposition had risen during the class’s learning
          particularly among Year 3 pupils during the pandemic covid-19 school session. This
          is  lead  to  a  problem  where  pupils  were  unable  to  perform  well  particularly  in
          understanding the basic concept of preposition. Most of the pupils faced difficulty in
          English learning during PDPR session and they were inactive and unmotivated in
          the  class  after  entering  back  to  school.  Therefore,  the  aim  ofthis  PrepoWheego
          innovation  is  to  improve  and  strengthen  pupils’  foundation  of  three  concepts  of
          prepositions  which  preposition  of  time,  preposition  of  place  and  preposition  of
          direction. Generally,  the main concept of  PrepoWheego  is to make student learn
          preposition  through  learning  and  playing.  There  are  two  main  elements  in
          PrepoWheego  concept  which  are  PrepoWheego  Wheel  (learning)  and
          PrepoWheego  Games  (Play).  PrepoWheego  wheel  is  a  wheel-based  innovation
          concept  that  help  the  pupils  to  learn  preposition  which  contained  three  main
          elements or topics in preposition which are preposition of time, place and direction.
          This wheel-based innovation concept embedded three basic aspect that may help
          the student to learn preposition in excitement ways. The three aspects are pictures,
          words  and  examples.  These  aspects  are  very  important  to  help  pupils  to
          understand the overall concepts of preposition better based on the given pictures,
          words  and  example  of  sentences.  Indirectly,  it  will  help  the  pupils  to  foster  their
          cognitive memory for them to understand and learn the concept in the easiest and
          most  efficient  way.  This  innovation  also  applies  the concept  of  playing  games  in
          order  toen courage  the  pupils  to  enjoy  while  learning  the  concept  of  preposition.
          During  the  innovation  process,  a  quantitative  data  of  pre  and  post-tests  was
          employed  to  measure  the  outcome  and  effects  of  the  innovation  to  students.
          Twenty pupils from Year 3 Cerdik class in SK Ayer Molek, Melaka were chosen as
          the sample of the research. Besides that, responses from informal interviews and
          classroom observations were also taken into consideration. Result of pre and post-
          test shows that there is a tremendous improvement between the mean marks of
          pre-test=1.35 and post-test 6.85. The pupils were able to apply correct basic rules
          of preposition and the right usage of preposition words in the tasks. At the end of
          the  study,  teacher  found  that  the  pupils  enjoy  learning,  can  understand  and  felt
          more  confident.  Preposition  lessons  became  less  stressful  as  they  could  easily
          search  for  answers  in  a  fun  and  creative  way  after  using  PrepoWheego.  Future
          research should be extended to several other topic of English grammar including
          conjunction, article and so on.
          Keywords: PrepoWheego concept, grammer, Preposition, PDPR


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