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 C a s c a d i a n
              Vol. 20, No. 7 A Publication of the Cascades at St. Lucie West Residents Association, Inc. July/August 2024
    Pickleball & Bocce Where to begin...
At a duly noticed Board Budget Meeting that was held on November 15th, 2023, the Board adopted the 2024 budget. The budget included a line item for $75,000.00 that was described by Finance Chairperson, Parker Burns. The funds would be used to begin to build two pickleball courts at a location to be determined. The projected cost for two new courts was $150,000.00.
The Task Force and Board were aware of the timing as follows:
1. Recommendations from the Task Force
2. Bidding the project
3. Motioning the proposed courts at a Board meeting. 4. Site plans
5. Permits
Having built two courts at Cascades, there is an understanding that there will be additional tasks to be performed because of the build. The city inspectors, engineers, and Sports Surfaces, the chosen vendor for the build, will communicate with management and the Board until completion in 2025.
The 2025 Budget has been planned to fund the remainder of the courts. Currently, we anticipate the funds to be less than forecasted.
On January 16th, 2024, at a duly noticed Board Workshop Meeting that was held in the Ballroom and via Zoom, the Pickleball Task Force Chairperson, Sharon Swan, provided a summary of the options for the new pickleball courts and a recommendation to the Board was made for the placement of the two new courts to be between the existing pickleball and existing bocce courts. This is to continue a consistent Sports Complex in Cascades. The shelter currently in use for pickleball will remain the same, which eliminates a need for another shelter. It is acknowledged that shuffleboard will be removed with an option to put the game in another area conducive to the sport. Presently, this is the most underutilized amenity at the Sports Complex. The movement remains under consideration and will be discussed at a future Board meeting.
Several other options for placement of the new pickleball courts including conversion of Tennis Courts #9 and #10 were considered. The cost of converting tennis court #10 before competitive bidding was quoted at $220,000.00 by Papico. This is the vendor who built the original two pickleball courts. One tennis court is the size of four pickleball courts. Doubling the surface means double
the cost for asphalt and other materials. Budgeting to build a new fence between courts #9 and #10, along with straightening of the corners of the current fence would be required. The covered shelter and the water fountain would need to be moved. The court adds value to the Association as it stands. The demolition of a spectacular hard tru court is over budget and was not conducive to the Association.
A scope of work was created, and three vendors were contacted for pickleball bids. Two bids were received, and the third vendor declined to bid. The Pickleball Task Force visited referenced sites to be assured the workmanship of Sports Surfaces was up to expectations before recommending the vendor to the Board, who also provided a lower price.
A Bocce Task Force was formed on March 12th. Bob Weber is President of The Bocce Club. Bob informed management of concerns with the proximity of the new pickleball courts to bocce on April 18th, 2024. A meeting was immediately scheduled with the Pickleball Task Force on April 25th to discuss this matter. Both parties were asked to provide a solution. A follow-up meeting ensued on May 2nd. We discussed initiating a new court on the opposite side of bocce and later spoke of several scopes of work that included locations, court material, pavilion coverage and lights. Our meeting welcomed other Task Force Members, along with the Pickleball Task Force prior to final pickleball approval. On site was Stephen Cooper, engineer, as well, for guidance about placement. At the meeting drainage was discussed. A follow-up meeting with Bocce Task Force and Board members also occurred in May. Bob and Mary Weber met in person with Papico. Yet another meeting to speak with Sports Surfaces occurred via teleconference. We all understood that we wanted to work out concerns and move forward as soon as possible. Bocce courts were not initially scheduled in the Reserve Study for 2024; however, the project may be moved with a Board action.
Impromptu calls or office drop-ins occurred with Bob, Mary Weber and me. I informed the Board of questions and concerns so that we could address them. The bocce community was vocal in objecting to the location of the courts, and we listened.
On May 20th the Board motioned to approve the pickleball courts to be built by Sports Surfaces. The Board also motioned to allow the Bocce Task Force to provide the location for one and possibly two courts.
A meeting on June 12th with three Board members, two Finance Committee members, the bocce president and his spouse occurred to responsibly review bids, financing, and discuss the opportunity to move one court over this year
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