Page 1 - The Malvernian - March 2022
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                                                                                                 THE MALVERNIAN
Transform Their World
                                                                                         March 2022
          In this issue
  Dear Parents
As we started what was inevitably going to be another very busy Spring Term, in the first assembly in January, we focused on balance and particularly the need for those in exam years to ensure that they balanced their hard work with healthy living, taking appropriate rest and continuing to enjoy College life. For those not in exam years, we also spoke about leadership and the support of each other. With the tragic loss of one of our own, we have really seen pupils enacting the very best of these principles as they have supported those who needed it most, strived for and led each other in the pursuit of excellence and found balance through the community, the plethora of activities on offer and the desire to make a positive difference to the world in which they live. I hope that the following pages give you a taste of some of that which has been achieved this term in the College.
Keith Metcalfe | Headmaster
Forthcoming Events
Thursday 30 June 2022
 1330 – 1730 1745 – 1900
1915 – 2100
Sports Day Court Road
BBQ for parents in the Gryphon Room
Concerto Concert Big School
Friday 1 July 2022
Speech Day and Prize Giving (previously referred to as ‘Commem’) will be held on Friday 1 July 2022 at Malvern College. All pupils are expected to attend, and parents are invited to join us to mark the end of the Summer Term, and to celebrate the pupils’ achievements this Academic Year.
0930 – 1030 1100 – 1130 1130 – 1300 1300 – 1430
Exhibitions and Gun Run commence (Junior Turf) Music and Refreshments (Gryphon Room) Prizegiving and Speeches (Sports Hall)
Parents are invited to bring picnics to enjoy with their sons and daughters.
 Fizz, Strawberries & Cream for parents served from The Grub
1500 Houses Close
 History Society 2 Masterclass 2 Chapel Prefects 2 Modern Foreign Languages 3 Wheeler-Bennett Society 4 Fashion and Textiles 5 Heritage Railway
Association Awards 5 Coventry Trip 6 Medical Futures Conference 6 Lucretian Lecture 7 Oxbridge 7 Chinese New Year 2022 8 A Night at the Movies 10 Interhouse Science
Competition 11 Academic Colours
& Colours 12-13 Music 14-18 Drama 19-20 The Ledbury Run 22 James Pickering Foundation 23 Commemoration Weekend 25 National Prep Schools Cross Country Championships 26 Rugby 27-28 Squash 28 National Cross Country Championships 29 Fencing 29 Senior House Football 29 Physical Education
and Sports Science 30 Junior House Netball 30 Hockey 31-32 Rackets 32 Cricket 33 Outdoor Pursuits 33
                                 Our Qualities
Resilience | Self-awareness | Open-mindedness | Kindness | Collaboration Risk-taking | Curiosity | Ambition | Independence | Integrity | Humility

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